No Luck Part 7

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Rad's POV

_______the next day_____

I sit on the side of my bed." come on time to go to work" I say to my self as I get up. I change into my normal outfit: my blue crop top, my pink pants, and my black shoes or whatever. I go down to my van and dive off to work. I wonder if  Enid is going to come to work because I don't want to go throw this day alone like I had to yesterday. I park my van and walk in to work.

" Hey, Rad" I hear Enid say from the front counter.

"Hey, I'm going to the back to get the new stuff," I say to her as I walk to the back of the store. I start unpacking stuff from the crates. I unpack the food first. After I unpack it, I take it to the food aisle. I do this for like 30 minutes.

" Rad, Enid front, and center" I here Mr.Gar shout. I get up and move as fast as I can. I met Enid In front of Mr.Gar.

"Well, I'm back and..." I see his eyes move to the side next to me where K.o would have stood." where is K.o?" he asks Enid.

"Well, sir he's still in the hospital. Yesterday after work we went to go see him and he is in a really bad coma, they said he prob-b-bly won't wa-a-ke up" Enid says to him softly with tears dripping from her eyes. Mr.Gar looks at his feet as if he was thinking. 

" You are dismissed," he says and goes into his office. After that, I walk up to my friend.

" Hey Enid, you o.k," I ask her.

"Ya Rad, I'm fine," she says hopping up on to the front counter. she puts on her sunglasses and stares at the door.

"ding" the door opens. Enid sits up and I start to walk to the back.

Enid's POV

I sit up to the sound of the door opening. I look over to see Dendy and her parents walk in.

" Hi, Dendy," I say to her.

"Hello Enid," Dendy says back waving and smiling.

Wait, she is smiling, she should be depressed as heck knowing her friend is in the hospital or maybe she doesn't know.

Dendy walks up to the front counter and looks up to me.

" two days ago I came to see K.o but Rad said he was not here, I have come to see if he's here today," She says to me.

"Rad said he wasn't here?" I ask her

"yes and that he does not know why he is not here," she says still looking up at me.

"That lier," I say under my breath. "I have to go check on something," I say heading to the back. I open the door and walk up to Rad.

" whats up," he says to me.

"whats up is that Dendy is here thinking K.o is just NOT HERE!"I say loudly.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to make her cry or whatever," he says to me then goes back to work on unpacking the boxes.

" well I'm going to go tell her and you are coming with," I say grabbing his arm and then pull him up.

"wait, what, no," he says panicking as we walk out of the back and to the front of the store. Dendy is still where she was when I left. I get down on one knee and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Dendy, K.o is ..."I say trying to put it into words that won't crush her. "not going to be back for a long time and maybe never." I say to her.

"What!?" Dendy says." what happened to him!?" 

"well he is in the hospital,... and in a coma," I say as caring as I can.

"no...." she says ." what his chance of survival"

"51% or something, I don't know if that's good or not. but ya 51%" Rad says behind me.

" No RAD THAT'S BAD!!"I yell at him.

" what, but it's 51 and that's a big number," He says to me.

"but. it. is. out. of. 100" I say with a harshness in my voice. 

"Oh..." he says letting realization sink in.

"well, I have to go," Dendy says to me and Rad.

"o.k bye," I say to her.

"how could you do that?!" Rad says to me.

"well, it's better than not telling her," I say to him.

"I going to go back to work now!" he says and stomps off.

"ug," I say under my breath as I lay back on top of the counter.  I cross my feet on top of the cash register and pull out my sunglasses with then I put on my face. I think to my self for a few minutes then hear the door open. I turn my head so I see who entered the store and see Carol.

" hey Enid I just need a few more planks for the dojo," she says with a smile. A smile. she is smiling after all of this had happened to her son. I wish I could just enjoy life but I cant, I have a job and a friend in the hospital who could die any day." I think to my self 

Carol walks up to the front counter and hands me ten techno.

"Thanks, "I say to her as she walks out the door

A few hours pass and nothing happens. After like 2 hours of doing nothing I go to the back of the store to see what Rad is up to. But when I walk throw the door I see Rad and he's not up to something, He's down on the ground sleeping. I pull my foot back and kick him in the side.

"ow," He says jolting awake and grabbing his side." you didn't have to.."

"ring ring ring "

" Hold your thought someone is calling me,"  I say pulling out my phone. I hit the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

" Enid get rad and get to the hospital now"  I hear Carol's voice yell into the phone.

" wait whats wrong, is it K.o?" I ask into the phone.

"yes, hurry, now," Carol says to me.

"O.k, "I say into the phone and hang up.

"Rad we have to get to the hospital now," I say to him.

"why," he asks me

"Something with K.o," I say to him.

" We can take my van, come on, "he says standing up.

I keep what I said and this one is really long, like 1100 words long 

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