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Bailey raced home on her bike, she wasn't in no hurry she just wanted to get home to pack up some supplies for tomorrow. It didn't take the girl long to reach her home. It was a two story house that was a tan color and had some dying flowers outside in the front garden.

She set her bike down in the lawn and jogged up to her front door yanking it open. "Mom?! Are you here?" Bailey yelled to no specific part of the house. She knew her mother wouldn't answer her but she'd hope she'd make a noise to let her daughter know she okay and at home. Bailey sighed and walked up the steps to each room of the house looking for her mother. She finally found her in her dads office sitting on the chair in front of the desk. Bailey frowned at her mother and just exited the room walking back over to hers.

The girl placed her bag on her bed opening it and began walking around the room trying to find things she might need for tomorrow. She knew the boys, besides Eddie, wouldn't go prepared. She grabbed a flashlight, extra batteries, a pack of gum, hair ties, and bug spray. She smiled in satisfaction thinking she had everything she needed.

Bailey walked over to her desk and picked up some of her polaroids she had lying around. A smile appeared on her face looking at them which had her and the boys on them. She picked up one from a few months ago labeled "Losers" it had the four boys, Bailey, Georgie, and her dad in the photo. Her smile turned into a sad one noticing Georgie and her dad, they wanted to photo bomb them when they were taking the picture. Baileys dad loved all her friends, even though they were boys. Of course he was protective of her, but he knew he could just those group of boys. Bailey didn't know why her dad still let her hang out with them, especially Richie because of his dirty jokes. But she's thankful he let her still hangout with them because they mean the most to Bailey, they are the only ones really there for her.

Bailey looked up from the picture and seen Stanley outside on his bike riding around. She smiled widely and set the photo down and walked out of her room heading towards the front door. Stanley lived on her block so it was no surprise to see him outside doing whatever.

"What's up noodle head?" The girl yelled over to the curly headed boy.

He turned his head almost falling off his bike. He noticed the girl standing on her porch with her arms crossed over her chest smiling at him.

"U-um nothing really, i got bored at home so I decided to ride around." He rode over to her house and set his bike down.

"Are you ready for the barrens tomorrow?" Stanley asked her sitting down next to her on the step.

"I guess so, it kills me to see Bill tearing himself apart like this thinking he'll find Georgie. I mean we all know he is gone but none of us can really tell him." The girl knew how much her friend wanted to find his brother and she couldn't stand to tell him that he most likely won't.

"You're right but once he finds nothing in the barrens tomorrow maybe he'll finally understand that maybe he won't find him." He replied back to the girl. Silence took over them and the two sat on the step quietly looking down at their feet.


Bailey sat at eddies kitchen table watching the boys go through cabinets getting supplies for today. She smirked to herself because she was prepared and knew the boys wouldn't be.

"Hey, first you said the barrens, and now you're saying the sewers I mean what if we get caught?" Eddie looked at the group with a scared face.

"We won't" Bill assured him "the sewers are public works, we're the public aren't we?"

"Hey that's smart!" Bailey looked up at him with a smile which Bill returned.

The conversation was cut off by Richie opening up one of the cabinets to reveal tons of bottles of pills. "Hey Eddie are these your birth control pills?" Richie asked him which caused Bailey to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah I'm saving them for your sister" Eddie fired back to the boy which made Bailey lose it and start laughing. Stanley looked over to the girl and admired her, he always thought she was beautiful and always loved hearing her laugh. Bailey finally calmed down and stopped, she turned her head over noticing Stanley staring at her and she smiled at him. Both their faces grew red and he looked away embarrassed for staring at her & getting caught.

Eddie grabbed one last thing and stuffed it into his fanny back. They all headed for the door and as bill began to open it a voice chirped up. "Eddiebear, where are you kids off to in such a rush?" Mrs. Kaspbrak asked making the kids turn their heads toward her trying to think of an excuse. They couldn't say they were going to the sewers because Mrs. Kaspbrak would flip and never let Eddie hangout with the group ever again.

"Um j-just my h-house, only m-my b-backyard, Ms. K" Bill stuttered out and Bailey nodded with a smile. "I got a n-new..." he continued but stopped because he couldn't think of anything.

"Croquet set, Jesus spit it out B-b-bill." Richie said saving the group.

"Okay, oh and sweetie don't go rolling around in the grass especially if it's just been cut." Eddies mom told him as she picked at her finger nails.

"Yes ma'am." The boy replied quickly and ushered the boys out the door before his mother interrupted him. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked he put his head down and sighed deeply before walking over to his mother and giving her kiss on her cheek. Bailey silently aww'ed at his actions as the boys chuckled a bit making Bailey playfully slap them.

She wished she could still do that with her mom, her mom would just stay still and not say anything or move out of the way. Just thinking of that hurt Bailey a little inside, she just wished her relationship with her mom would come back, but she knew deep down it most likely won't.

"Do you want one from me too Ms.k?" Rich said ruining the moment causing both Bailey and Eddie pushed him along with Bill out the door. Bailey kept her head down as she walked and ended up walking into someone.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed looking up to see Stanley with a red face and a smile.

"It's alright are you okay?" He asked the girl not taking his eyes off hers. He loved when she got embarrassed, he thought it was the cutes thing in the world but of course she didn't know he thought that. She nodded at him giving him a smile which he returned again.

"Jesus why don't the two of you just fuck already?!" Richie yelled at the two kids who were staring at each other.

"Richie! Stop that's disgusting." Bailey yelled at him and starting chasing after him trying to hit him. The rest of the group watched the two and chuckled cheering Bailey on as she got up to him and started playfully hitting him on his shoulder.

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