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Bailey danced around her room listening to the beatles album that played on her record player.
She smiled as her body moved along with the rhythm with no care in the world. She spun around a few times before her sight was towards her window. A loud tap on the window startled her making her eyes open and look to where the noise came from. She saw the five boys standing at her window sill with smiles on their lips, baileys face instantly heated up knowing they were there for at least some of her dance.

She walked over to the window opening it and she leaned down onto the sill. "Richie I would suspect to be stalking me, the rest of you, not so much." She joked making a tiny smirk play on her lips. Richie shot her a playful hurt look on his face but laughed afterwards.

"Beverly said she needed us over at her house, it's urgent." Stanley spoke up. Baileys eyebrows furrowed listening to the words stan had said. She turned to quickly turn off her record player and grabbed a piece of gum popping it into her mouth. She opened the window more leaning down to slide a leg out and then her other. Jumping down after successfully climbing out her window she ran towards her bike hopping on it and followed as the boys lead the way to Beverly's house.

It didn't take them long to get there as Bailey heard the footsteps of someone running down steal steps behind the wall where they were. Bailey threw her bike to the ground and the rest of the losers followed her actions. She saw the fiery red head run towards them with anticipation.

"You made i-it...i need to show you something." She said looking at everyone with a bit a fear showing.

"What is it?" Ben asked her worried about Beverly and what was going on.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie spoke from behind Bailey.

"Shut up! Just shut up Richie." Eddie yelled clearly frustrated with Richie.

"Richie I swear to god if you don't stop I'll shove my sock down your throat." Bailey said through gritted teeth.

"Kinky Ms. Lane, never took you for that type of woman." Richie shot back with a wink. Bailey groaned and rolled her eyes at the annoying boy before turning her attention back to Beverly.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out that I had boys in the apartment." Beverly looked down to the ground them back to the group.

"W-we'll leave a lookout." Bill told her his arm moving up and down towards Richie as he continued. "R-Richie s-s-s-stay stay here." He finished as the the group followed Beverly over to the stairs that leaded up to her house.

Richie flung his arms out annoyed that he was the only one who had to stay outside. "Woah woah woah, what if her dad comes back?" He yelled over to us.

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