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Bailey opened her eyes staring straight under her bed. She remembered what played out last night and why she was on the floor. Her head shook slightly trying to discard the horrid memory of last night. She didn't want to think about it or talk about it for as long as she could.

She stood up grabbing her bag of clothes and stuff for the day at the quarry with the boys. She trailed over to her desk and saw the picture she drew last night, she eyes shut slightly as she took a deep breath. Lifting up the notebook she placed it in an open drawer in her desk and closed it. Her eyes traveled over to the clock it read "11:30 am"

"Great the boys are probably up there already." Bailey said aloud rolling her eyes.

She jogged down the stairs throwing her bag around her shoulders against her back and opened the door. Her bike laid over in the center of the lawn she fast walked over to it hopping on and making her way out of front lawn and onto the street.


As she reached the top of the quarry she began to hear gagging sounds come from in front of her. She hopped off her bike and threw it to the ground not caring if at any point it would break, it was years old so she wouldn't be surprised if it did. Her eyes wandered in front of her to see 5 boys stripped down to their underwear and tossing loogies over the edge. She chuckled slightly rolling her eyes watching them bicker on who was going to jump first.

"Alright who's first?" Bill asked the four boys as they all looked down to the water noticing how far the jump is.

"Move ya sissies I'll go." Bailey spoke from behind the boys as she began to take off her T-shirt and shorts. The boys turned around casually to see Bailey standing there in her undergarments ready to jump into the water. All of their mouths gaped open slightly as they stood there with their eyes glued onto Bailey.

A laugh escaped her mouth before she started running towards to edge to jump. She saw Stanley watching her and she noticed he was close to the edge already. Bailey smirked to herself as she reached Stanley's side, she grabbed his hand and pulled him with her jumping off. Their bodies hit the water causing a loud splash to erupt.

"What the fuck?! We just got showed up by a girl and Stanley" Bailey heard as she arose from the water. She took her hands and rubbed them against her eyes getting the water away from them. She looked over and Stanley who had just popped up from the water. His head turned toward the girl as she smiled at him.

"You know, I do hate you sometimes Bailey Lane." He said to her and a laughed erupted from the girls mouth.

"The feeling is mutual Stanley Uris." She replies back to him. It was quiet for a moment before the two heard another splash next to them. A head popped up from the water and Bailey noticed the girl from yesterday, Beverly.

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