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Bailey sat alone in her room, the lights dimmed, the only true source of light was coming from her desk lamp sitting next to her. It was around ten at night her mom would have been in bed by now, or just staring at the wall in her room. The girls eyes felt heavier and heavier as she stared down at her drawing. The pencil in her hand lazily traced onto the paper and her other hand lifted up as she silently yawned into it. Her eyes traveled down to the paper looking at what she drew, it was a picture of a family, a loving & happy family. A mother, father, and daughter standing together with smiles on their faces. Bailey sighed deeply as she felt a pang in her chest as she thought about how her family used to be, while her father was still here.

Standing up she pushed her desk chair in and turned off the desk lamp. She made her way over to her bed and jumped under the covers. Baileys eyes closed as she awaited for sleep to overtake her body.

After a couple minutes Bailey began to toss and turn in her bed. For some reason she just couldn't fall asleep, even though her eyes were tired and she was tired in general. She sat up and slouched over picking her head up to look around the room. There wasn't much to look at seeing how the lights were off and it was dark. She inhaled some air through her nose and letting it shakily exit her mouth. She laid back down closing her eyes trying to fall asleep once more.

The door of her bedroom slowly creeped open making baileys eyes open widely at the sudden action. Her head turned toward the door seeing the small light that shined into her room from the hallway. She stayed still not moving one inch not knowing whether to get up and close the door or let it be.

She was just going to let it be when she heard a quiet whisper come from outside the room. Bailey couldn't make out what it was saying, but also scared of knowing what it was saying as well. The sound started getting closer and closer to her room before she could make out the sentence.

"Bailey, my sweet girl." Her body shot up from the bed hearing the chilling words. She sat at the edge of her bed clutching onto her blankets and sheets. Her leg bounced up and down, a tendency she had when she was nervous or scared. "Bailey I'm not going to hurt you." The voice echoed into the room sending a chill down the girls spine.

The door creaked more and more till it was fully opened showing out into the hallway and the top of the stair case. A shadow of a person whipped by the wall and started making its way down the stair case. Bailey caught a glimpse of the figure making out its red flannel and dress pants. The figures head turned her direction and her breath caught in her throat and a feeling of heartache washed over her.

"Dad?" The girl said startled and confused. She brought herself up to her feet and made her way towards the door at a leisurely pace. Her eyes were kept on her "dad" as he walked down the steps ushering the girl to follow him.

Once she made it down her father had disappeared. Her mouth gaped open and she shook her head feeling stupid for even thinking her dad could physically be there. She took one last look around the room not seeing anyone or anything inordinate.

Bailey put her head down and turned around getting ready to walk back up to her room. A hand suddenly grabbed a hold of her shoulder making her scream loudly she looked up to see her father smiling down at her. Her chest rose up and down as was she wide eyed stared at who she assumed was actually her dad.

"Daddy?" She questioned staring at the man in astonishment. The mans hand slid from her shoulder down her arm to her hand grabbing a hold of it. Tears crept up to baileys eyes as his eyes made made way to hers.

"My sweet girl, I've come back for you." His voice whispered.

"W-what do you m-mean?" The girl asked utterly confused at the moment.

"We are going to get away, do you want to float Bailey?" He asked the small girl grabbing her hand more tightly. His warm smile started turning into a devious one.

"D-dad what- you aren't r-really here." Bailey told the man breathing heavily trying to retract her hand from his.

"Do you want to float Bailey? Because where we're going, we all float." The man she thought was her dad started to grow white with red and black markings showing up onto his face. It still looked like her dad but deformed with markings of makeup placed at parts of his face. His mouth opened widely as teeth started popping up from the gums at every direction. Bailey stood in horror before screaming out loudly and began running up the stairs. The house began filling up with water quickly. It followed after every step she took. She slipped as she ran towards the door, she looked back to see a half clown and the other half being her dad.

"Your dad wants you to come float Bailey, come join him, we all float down here." What used to be her dads voice came out as a demonic giggly voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU." She screamed standing up from the floor entering her room slamming the door behind her. Her heart rate quickened by the second as she backed away from the door. Water trickled inside the room slowly spreading around the room.

"Open the door Bailey we just want you to join us" the clowns voice echoed. Her breath came out shaky wondering how her mom wasn't hearing the sound of the screams or voice, then again she knew her mother didn't care or pay attention to anything.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." She yelled out to the creature.

It got quiet and she finally thought whatever was out there was gone. She placed a hand on her chest raveling up some of her shirt into a fist trying to calm down. Just as she was calming down the door flew open and the clown speedily flew over to the horrified girl with his face shaking viciously and it's mouth wide open.

Bailey dashed to the ground petrified as she sobbed loudly awaiting for it to attack her. Her eyes were screwed shut, when she didn't feel anything her eyes opened and wandered around the room to see nothing but her door closed.

Wiping away the tears and her breathing being hard, Bailey stayed in the same position scared of getting up or moving just even a little bit. Her knees were pulled up with her arms wrapped tightly around them. Her head laid down on top and tears coming out of her eyes one by one. She stayed that way the whole night. Alone and afraid.


I'm sorry this wasn't a good chapter. I couldn't come up with anything good for Bailey seeing IT so I just went alone with whatever came to mind.

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