One month that changed my life

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Shawn Mendes, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. Enough said, he is perfection I've never seen anyone like him, if I am going to be 100% honest there is another side to him, a side no one has ever seen before, you can see it in his eyes whenever he uploads a vine or a cover on YouTube. I wanted to know how he was feeling, how he puts up with all these girls screaming his name or how he puts up with all the hate, reading all his comments at night but still standing up strong and enjoy life

It was a stressful Sunday, Sunday 19th April to be exact. It was a day I was not willing to do again, the stress of exams was building up inside me and this was resulting in me not concentrating or doing well In athletics. To make mattered worse I was arguing with my parents over stupid things. I didn't want to take my anger out on my mum so I'd take my anger out on my friends this then left me with fewer friends, why do we argue and fight with the ones we love, that will always remain a mystery to me. After athletics on Sunday I came home to yet another Arguement with my parents, Throughout the whole Arguement all I could think about was "what would shawn mendes do in a moment like this". After the hour long Arguement I ran upstairs to my bedroom the only stress-free zone I seem to have left, I picked up my phone to see if I had any messages I seem to have 12, 11 of these are game requests from relatives that I never see but never shut up, I could really do with a miracle right now. Then there it was, I stared at it for a while has shawn mendes actually messaged me! It can't be true, I'm just a girl. I finally unlocked my phone and clicked on snapchat, it was true it was him, wow! it may have only been a quick "hey" but hey is where all great conversations and stories start...

We talked all night long, he talked about Canada and I talked about Scotland, we were talking and I was getting to know him more. I couldn't help but feel that with every snap I became more and more in love with him.

A week passed by really quickly, shawn and I got closer and closer he even told his mum, Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas about me. When he told me this it took a while for me to adjust as I liked all of Nash's and Cameron's vines. I even became shawn best friend on snapchat that I found was really really cool. I don't know why but since that day everything has been perfect, there's been no arguments, not as much stress and I've been bringing home gold medals from every competition, I can't believe how much one thing can change your whole attitude towards life. On Sunday 27th April 12:30 am (7:30 pm in Canadian times) he asked me if he could FaceTime me. Obviously I said yes, wouldn't you if he asked, when I seen the incoming call I said into myself "keep calm Megan, imagine it was just Erin". I was welcomed by his kind voice "hey Megan, how are you!" I can't believe it was actually him and he was generally happy to see me. We talked for an hour before he asked me what my favourite song was, "all of me-John Lennon" I replied "great song, hold on and I'll get my guitar", oh my god is he about to serenade me over FaceTime. When he stopped singing I was in tears "that was beautiful thank you very much you are amazing", "anytime Bae can we FaceTime this time tomorrow I will miss seeing your face, goodnight beautiful I'll see you tomorrow, I love you". What did I just witness I had a hour long conversation with one of hottest guys in the world how is that even possible, I'm just a girl, he has around 2.1 million girls that are much prettier than me I dong see why he FaceTimed me, it made me think does he like me, I know he likes me since he FaceTimed me but does he like me in that way, don't be silly why would he like me I'm just a girl with only 5 followers on vine.

Monday 28th April at 12:30 am he FaceTimed me as promised but this time he had a surprise for me "hey Megan, I have something to tell you, how would you feel if I got you and Erin VIP passes and tickets to Magcon in Atlanta" I paused and stared at him for a while and I felt myself starting to tear up, "that would be absolutely amazing the only problem is getting to Atlanta I will try my best to be there for you" and we talked for hours the same as last night but somehow tonight he looked much more attractive, sure he was topless but I wasn't even looking at his abs his face looked much much more attractive, how is that even possible.

I looked into getting flights to Atlanta, the more I looked into it the less likely it was that me and Erin were getting to go, it was about £30 to get a taxi and the flights were £2,000 just for one flight I needed to get two never mind the two flights back the total journey would have came to £6,030 (it would have been around $10,130) never mind money to spend when I'm there, there was no way I would have been able to go. I cried for a while, I felt like the whole week or so I spent talking to shawn was now for nothing.

I had to make the hardest phone call I have ever had to make to him I felt like being sick. I was quite impressed he took it like a man "don't worry about it I will come and see you, I promise, I wouldn't be able to live my life without meeting you I love you too much to just let you go just like that". Somehow that phone call made me happy despite me having to tell him that I can't come and meet him his reply made me really happy I think I'm starting to really like him, wow I really am, but does he like me back?

The next day at school I couldn't concentrate in fact I couldn't concentrate. He would occasionally send me funny messages to get me through the day I felt loved as when I was in school it was the early hours of the day in Canada. Friday 2nd May when I got home I got a iMessage from Cameron Dallas I kind of freaked out a bit he saying that Shawn hasn't stopped talking about me for 2 weeks non stop, maybe he does like me I've just been distracted by his good looks to actually notice it "he really likes you Megan" said cameron I can't believe it, it all adds up the tickets the VIP passes, the hour long FaceTimes and all the early morning messages (well for him). I can't believe he likes me that much, wow!

Saturday 3rd May on FaceTime I finally had the guts to ask him why he liked me he replied with the nicest reply I've ever had "I guess cameron told you that I like you, I chose you because you seemed different than every other girl when I first seen your snapchat I thought wow she's beautiful I really want to get to know her, what have I got to loose, so I guess as soon as I seen you everybody else was invisible I knew I needed to get to know you more because I love you". I really tried my hardest not to cry that night I just couldn't help myself, at that moment in time I wish I had a million dollars so I could fly over to Canada or Atlanta just to give him a hug! I really really like him now! and everybody knows Reflecting back over the last 3 weeks I can't believe how much our relationship has grown. Even though I have only known him for 3 weeks I seem like I have known him for all my life, as if I have grown up with him!

Monday morning came the day of Magcon, I woke up with 3 thoughts 1.i don't want to go to school, 2. Magcons today and 3. I wonder if Shawns nervous about performing tonight. Throughout the whole day at school I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't help but thing how much I must have let him down by not being able to go to see him. I decided to go to dance class that night to get my mind off things and to spend time with Erin (my best friend that has been if guess my version of Cameron constantly putting up with me talking about how "flawless" he is)

My dance teacher gave me an opportunity to practice my dance before my physical education exam that was on Tuesday that I totally forgot about as I have been talking to shawn. It was going well until I seen the door open at first I was like aw it's just the sports guy that comes in every week to get the chairs but wait it didn't look like him... wait a second it can't be! it can't be him he's in Atlanta doing sound check. I sprinted up to the back of the hall and jumped on shawn and gave him the biggest hug I have even gave to anybody "oh my god shawn why are you here you should be in Atlanta", "I was thinking the whole of last night, if Megan and Erin weren't able to come to Atlanta why don't I come down and see them so here I ... before he could say am I kissed him and in that moment everything was perfect, I cannot believe that he spent $10,130 to come down just to see me for once in my life I feel accepted and loved.

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