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In the car on the way back we talked about how cameron was getting on with his new house, how I was getting on with athletics and how Aaliyah was getting on with her multiple sports. Not once did we talk about shawn and I guess that was a good thing because I would have probably burst into tears again and I definitely didn't want to show my weaknesses in front of Aaliyah, mummy Mendes and cameron. Once we arrived at Shawns house I took a moment to look at their house and take in the atmosphere. The last time i seen Shawns house was on FaceTime and now it's here, right in front of me.

"Are you ok meg?" Cameron asked

"Yeah I'm good, here I'll help you with the bags."


We took the bags and put then in Shawns room as it was the only room that was empty.

I was sharing a room with Aaliyah and Cameron was staying in Shawns room. We got settled into our new surroundings, we got changed and then just messed about until dinner was ready.

"Let's smack cam cameron and record it for vine" Aaliyah suggested

"Yeeeess!!" I replied.

I went and got a hand full of foam and walked into Shawns room

"On the count of three" Aaliyah whispered into my ear.

On 3 I ran into Shawns room and cameron was topless and was on FaceTime to nash. I ran up behind him and slapped him in the face with the foam. I could hear nash laughing through the phone while Cameron stood there and death stared me. I ran as fast as my legs could manage. He chased me into the on-suite, grabbed the foam and put it all over his belly then gave me a hug making sure what ever was left on his hands went all over my face.

"Let's get Aaliyah" Cameron suggested with a menacing look on his face. I walk out in shock and covered in foam.

"I can't believe he did this to me haha" I reply trying to distract her while Cameron walked up behind her and rub foam on her face.

"Yo! What was that for?"

"Sorry hahah I'm sure you'll get me bac..." Before I could finish what I was going to say Aaliyah put foam over my mouth.

"Right ok that's us equal"

"What the hell happened to yous!" Mummy mendes half yelled coming up the stairs.

"We had a foam fight" Cameron stated whilst rubbing the foam into his abs discreetly.

"Well go get cleaned up dinner will be ready in 5"

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