Toronto...or nah?

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It's been two days after shawn promised to FaceTime me. it was awkward at first but he made me feel happy again. You could tell by the FaceTime that everything has changed and we will probably not go back to the way things use to be but we were both willing to try again. I didn't want to mention that I had been depressed recently and I didn't want to mention that he was the reason I got into that situation, luckily he never asked. I tried to find a white wall because shawn still didn't know that he was Staying in his house.

The call didn't last long because he was here, there and everywhere. People were interrupting the FaceTime to say things like "you need to prepare for your performance tomorrow" and "shawn hurry up you're needed for soundcheck" you could tell that he was stressing out and all he wanted to talk to me and catch up for lost time, but he can't because he constantly professionals talking in his ear. A part of me wishes that I could have him here and give him endless hugs and kisses but the other part of me can't forget about what has been happening lately. He FaceTimed me again the night after and i felt better about being around him.

I couldn't sleep last night, Aaliyah being sick and I couldn't stop thinking about shawn. Weirdly enough the more I thought about shawn the more I think about cameron? Was it something to do with his smile? or was it the way he treated me? Whatever it is I liked it. He made me feel happy when I was down, he made me feel love when I didn't have any. Maybe just maybe he likes me?

Megan what are you saying you have shawn!

"Morning megan" I woke up to Mummy mendes face with Aaliyah's head still on my lap "do you going to Shawns tour date or not? Cameron's left, he has left you a letter I think you should read it, it's on the kitchen table."

My heart stopped and my oxygen intake went down in a matter of seconds. How could cameron just get up and leave just like that! I've only known for 5 minutes and I already miss him like crazy!

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