Camerons letter

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Mummy mendes POV

Megan slowly started to look about I could finally breathe again but something inside me told me that she wouldn't have long to live. I looked out the window and tried to not look at Megan's face. She looked sad and confused. I messed about to find something to keep her occupied and I was about to give up when I remembered that I had Cameron's letter in my back pocket. I opened the envelope.

"Megan do you want me to read this to you?" I held up the envelope and Megan nodded slightly. I cleared my throat and started to read it out loud.

"I don't really know what to say. Let's start from the beggining. I was in Scotland to see her struggles for myself. I wasn't stalking her, I was sent to Scotland by mummy mendes to watch over her and make sure she was ok. Coming to think about it mummy mendes is a smart woman.

July 3rd I got a job at a local bar. Each night she would get served the same drinks. She would ask for a Smirnoff ice to start off easy then work her way up to straight vodka shots. At first her parents didn't know that she was at the bar. She would tell her mum that she was at Erin's house. Each night she would get more and more drunk and guys used to take advantage of her and take her out round the back. Thinking back now I should have done something but It was against my contract to go round the back unless it was to empty out the ice bucket. She occasionally used to come back with scrapes on her face or hand prints marked on her check. This killed me I tried to talk to her each night but she was too drunk to answer me. As the months went on the more she tried new things. She would come over to the bar as high as a kite and max out her mums bank card that she stole.

August 19th her mum chucked her out the house and she was left homeless without any money, no Job and no where to stay. She got so desperate that she started up a prostitution business to keep up with her alcohol addiction. I couldn't sit back and watch her do this to herself so I said if she would stop the business Id put all my money that I earned from the job at the bar (and some of my own money) into getting her a house. She accepted but she was too drunk to remember.

Month after month she would come in and it was the same old same old. She would get drunk, sometimes get high, get beaten up and get forced into sex.

October 3rd the day that everything changed. She came in with a different attitude on life. She got drunk but never got as drunk as she normally would I though that that night I would serve her. A guy around the age of 26 came up to her.

"Hey baby let's get out of here" he stated "I'll show you a good time" those words sickened me. To my suprise Megan slapped him as he tried to drag her away. The man punched her back and this time I couldn't stand back and do nothing as this guy had the strength to kill her, this time I didn't care if I lost my job. I jumped over the bar and grabbed Megan and pulled her round the back and sat her down.

"Are you ok? What's your name I'll call you a cab" I knew her name and I knew where she lived because I bought her the house. I just wanted to make sure that she still remembered who she was and where she lived.

"Does it hurt?" I asked and Megan burst into tears for no reason then it hit me. Megan has been drinking because she is depressed and she is depressed because shawn has made no effort to call her or come and see her like he promised. I looked down to see that she had marks on her arm from where she had self harmed. I tried to change the subject as much as I could.

"Here I'll get you a bottle of water so you can sober up" I tell her.

I watched her answer her phone and I knew exactly who it was it was Aaliyah. I stood about for a bit until I could hear mummy mendes yelling though the phone at her.

"Is everything ok" I ask her?

"Yes I've just realised how stupid I have been recently I need to go home" she replied I offered to drop her off and she accepted. Once she left the car I was so happy that she had picked up the phone and accepted the offer to go to Canada.

She got on the plane and I got a seat right next across from her. She seemed so happy, she could start a whole new life out in Canada! And I was going to be able to watch that happen. I remember saying to her

"Megan, stop pretending you don't remember or recognise me! It's me, cameron Dallas" and seeing her face light up as she recognised who it was. The weeks went passed and I started to love seeing her ginger messy hair and her blue sleepy eyes in the morning. She would come though and we would talk until she would fall asleep. Each night I would regret not telling Megan this and telling her that I loved her.

Everything was going perfect until this one night. I don't know how it happened but but I was vlogging and you and shawn got into an Arguement. I ran downstairs and seen you with a knife in your hand. My heart broke! Because at that moment I knew that all my hard work to make you happy had failed. I phones shawn constantly that night before you ran downstairs to get him to call you and luckily he did I am so thankful for that. Day after day you both were getting closer and day after day I started to get more and more jealous. I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it. You looked at me differently, you talked different and you acted differently. You were starting to love shawn again and I couldn't take it anymore so I left. I have wrote and rewrote this letter again and again each time trying my hardest not to sound like a dick. But just so you know I love you, I will never stop loving you and you need to know that! Now go have fun, go to Shawns tour in Toronto and save me a muffin! Preferably Raspberry white chocolate chip because I know that's your favourite. Just promise me something Megan Harper Brown, don't loose sight of who you are you are a strong independent woman. You can get though anything I promise!

Ps. I bought you this bracelet when I was in Scotland and I was planning on giving you it but I never got round to give you it. It has 7 charms on it each charm represents a different thing. There is a muffin because I know how much you like muffins, there is a lucky charm for good luck in your new life in Canada, there is a globe because I know how much you wanted to travel the world, there is a ballet show because I know how much you love to dance, there is a box of popcorn because I know how much you love to eat it, there is a dream catchier because I know you have big dreams about how you want to become a professional athlete and there is one more. It is an infinity sign. I bought two of these one for you and one for me I feel that one day we can all wear these and no matter where we are in the world we will always have each other in mind."

I wiped away the tears and inclined the clip of the silver bracelet and wrapped it around Megan's right wrist and sealed it. I looked into Megan eyes to see that she had a single tear slowly making it's way down her cheek.

"No matter what happens tonight I want you to know that I love you and that I have never been happier having you as my adopted daughter" I wipe away her tear before looking back out the window. I felt Megan grasp onto my hand and managed to put a sentence together

"I will stay strong for you, for shawn, for Aaliyah and Cameron." And jerked slightly as the car came to a holt. I really hope she meant that

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