To You, My Dearest Reader

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It's been a long time since I've touched this story.

But I know there's tons of you out there who loved it!

So, pretty pretty pretty PLEASE leave a vote @SoulEaterWattyAwards.

It's been placed under three categories- Other, Best Cover, and best title.

I don't expect to win best title. (It's so original!!)

I don't expect to win the best in Other. (Although I deem this story quite acceptable.)

I don't expect to win best cover. (Even though I slaves over the current one for hours.)

Which of course, brings up the question, Why would I enter?

I don't suppose good grammar is enough to save me this time.

Too bad.

No. In all reality, I recieved a PM about the Soul Eater Watty Awards, and thought to myself, 'Well, nobody HATES this story. And a lot of people really do like it... No harm done right?'


And now it's turned into something personal.

I won't go into specifics, but there's someone that I hope to get more votes then this year.

Mainly because they told me I couldn't.


That's it.

So pretty please, help me show this person that while my writing is awful, it doesn't give them the right to do that!

Love you guys!

-The lovely IwuvSoul

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