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  Despite having little to no motivation to pursue education, I'm always early for school. It's just that I like the quiet tender atmosphere of the early mornings. I love how the warm sunlight caresses my skin, how the dewy breeze blow past my hair through the window, how the school hall looks when you're all alone, they all reminds me of the days when I could hear the birds singing to me every morning. I wish I woke up earlier then...

  I entered my new class, it's empty. Oh well, it's still 5.30 am anyways. I lazily walked over to a table next to the windows while humming a tune I can barely hear myself. I threw my bag on my desk, and started daydreaming. The only one I know in this class is Coups, he's gonna be late though. The urge of pulling out my phone keeps bugging me, but the atmosphere today is too pleasant. I have a good feeling about today.,,

  The comfortably quiet atmosphere sadly doesn't last for long, as the sun is rising higher, the crowder the school gets. I feel myself wriggling in my seat uncomfortably as more and more strangers enter the classroom. It's at this time that the feeling of wanting to go home starts to sink in, I should probably fake a headache or something.

  'I want to go home... Why am I even here ? I just want to go home and sleep, Coups isn't even here yet, am I too early...?' I thought to myself. Some people looked at me weirdly, some are whispering to each other, is it about me ? Out of shyness, I buried my face in my hands as I try to doze off to sleep.

  I like sleeping. I'm glad that I can I sleep more often these days, Coups said that I'm becoming more and more like Jeonghan. I argued that Jeonghan is obviously a cat disguised as a human whereas I am fully human. He agreed. But in a way, he's right, these days I sleep longer than I used to back in the days, maybe this way I'll actually grow taller. My friends say that it's good that I'm sleeping more, they say it's good for my health. I heard it's unhealthy to sleep on a desk though, maybe sleeping more is not so healthy after all.

  Suddenly, my comfortable slumber is interrupted as I feel someone shaking up my shoulder.

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