떠내려간 그런 니 맘을

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I threw my bag aggressively on the school desk and sunk my body to my chair. The loud noise I made stirred up the class's attention, they kept staring at me with that uncomfortable stare. Ugh.. I just got a text this morning from Jun, apparently Hao caught a cold. He was mad at me for ditching Hao and leaving class, ouch.. sorry Hao..
There was a familiar crowd staring at me. Surprisingly, one of them came forward and held out his hand.

"Hey Soonyoung, remember me ?"

"Hmm.. who ?" I said, staring coldly at his hand. If he offered a handshake the least he can do is be sincere about it.

"Never mind, that's not important." He said retracting his hand awkwardly, "I heard you fought with Choi Seungcheol."

"Nah, we're good."

"With that kind of attitude you wouldn't last." He chuckled pitifully and looked at me like I was some piece of shit on the floor. "It's different now that we're no longer a sophomore, stop acting like a kid."

"If you don't like me, stop being a pussy and just say it in front of my face." I glared at him.

"A kid ? Why don't YOU stop acting like one" I continued, "Maybe if you stepped down your high horse and stopped climbing the social ladder you would realise that none of it matters in the end."

"With that kind of mindset is why you're such a sore loser Kwon-!!"

"You're such a kid, you should realise tha-"

His face hardened as he couldn't control his anger anymore. "YOU SON OF A BITCH-

  On the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of  the pink fluffball entering the class, he walked sleepily to his desk.


"Get the fuck outta here Kwon."

"Sorry but this is my class, I want to meet someone now of you'll excuse me." I purposely bumped his shoulder, and he flinched. So weak.

I approached my pink fluffball, he didn't seem to notice me, nor did he notice the commotion before and those people staring at us. I sat on the chair next to him, "Hey."


"Can I sit here ?"

"It's Cheol's seat."


"Get off !" He tried pushing me off

"He's not here yet."

"Noo.. Get off.."


"I don't want Cheol to be mad at you again."

"He's not-"

"He'll be mad, I've known him better than you.."

He pouted and looked at me in the eye. He looks so sad.. what the hell did that dickhead do.

"Jihoonie, I'll be fine.."

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