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The unbearably boring class has finally ended, I swear I'm gonna go crazy if I have to go through this each day. Ugh... I guess I'll meet up at the canteen.

Well, great I guess. I haven't seen them all day and now they ditched me, for what ? For fucking choir and a girl, aaaagh. Honestly, why am I like this. I'm just such in a bad mood today. First day of school, not in the same class as my friends, now I'm all alone for recess.

"Worst. Day. Ever."

The longer I stay in this goddamn room the more they're gonna hate me huh. Fine then, I slammed my desk to make some noise as I stood up, just in case they won't notice me leave. With nowhere to go, I just walked around randomly, slinging my bag on my shoulder.

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. I wonder if they took care of our flowers throughout the summer. I planted some Chrysanthemum at the start of my first year, the school forced us to. Since I have nowhere to go, might as well go check them out.

I feel refreshed as soon as I exited the building, the warm sunlight and fresh wind clears my mind. As I approached the flowery area, the sweet floral smell gets me in a good mood.

"I can never let go of"

I can hear the birds chirping, and someone... singing...?

"I know i'm still a child now"

I noticed the pink fluffball singing, his voice is.. so sweet and so.. familiar. Wow, I can't believe I just heard such angelic voice..

"I can't catch up to you yet
Only a little while more"

"Whoaaaaaaa-!!" I unconsciously screamed.

His eyes shot awake with a surprised look on his face.

"Hey sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up it's jus-"

"What the fuck ?" He said blankly, "Dude you scream like a girl."

"Uhmm, thanks ?" I said to him, "Anyways, I'm really sorry I woke you up.. again.. but you-"


"Alright gotta go."

And that's all he said to me before going off to class. I haven't even finished talking.. Was he even listening to me ? RUDE. Whatever, I'll just ask him again in class. He might be the only friend I'll get this year.

I'm too lazy to go to class so I just stayed, looking at the field of flowers. My eyes are halfway open, my mind wandering somewhere else... I wonder how she's doing, is she still bleaching her hair blonde.. Does she remember me... Is her voice still as soft and angelic as it was a few years ago... Does she still play the strings the same way..

I miss you~

"Skipping class ?"

I looked up to see, no other than,..

"Seungcheol ?"

"Yup, are you just too lazy for class or are you going somewhere ?" he asked.

"Too lazy, not in the mood."

"School aren't so much fun if you're not with the right people ain't it ?"

I just nodded as a response, he just stood there feeling the wind brushing his face. It gets awkward after a while. We were never that close, nor we want to be. A friend of a friend, yeah, that's all really.

"Alright then, I have somewhere I have to be."

With that he left,.. I should've asked him about the pink fluffball. I remember him saying something along the lines of 'Cheolie'. Sounds like a pet name, are they dating ? Must be nice to be able to listen to honey-like voices like that everyday...

Since I've got nothing to do, I decided to seek shelter in the dance practice room. I go there so often I know exactly what time it's not used, the last dance class probably finished a few minutes ago.

  As I walked through the hallways, I caught a sight of the pink fluffball. It suddenly rushed to me at full speed and head-butted me until I fell to the ground.

"Mianhae.." The pink fluffball said. "Sorry for before."

"Eh...." I said in surprise, because we fell to the floor earlier. Our position is a bit... questionable. I sat up and he did too, still looking at me.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, hahah, don't worry about it." I laughed it off, "Are you going somewhere ?"

"What ?"

"Are you going somewhere ?" I said a bit louder and slowly.

"Nowhere in particular." He said

"Let's go to the dance room then-!!" I said loudly and happily, with my trademark eyesmile.

"But I told the teacher I'm going to the bathroom..." He said naively

"Who's your teacher ?"

"Mr, Han."

"You'll be fine." I said as I dragged him with me, he surprisingly followed me. And so we're both headed to the dance room.

I knocked on the door, getting no response.

"It's locked."

I unlocked the door and entered the room, the dance teacher really liked me and gave me a spare key. She's real nice. As expected, the room was empty.

I walked to the mirrors and looked at my own reflection. And then to the reflection of the pink fluffball.

"Kwon Soonyoung." He called me

"Yeah ?" I faced to him, "You can call me Soon."

"Eh ?"

  I laughed at his confused face, as he stared blankly deep in thought.

"But seriously you can call me Soon."

"Soon ?"

"Gimme your phone."

"What ?"

I approached him, and slid his phone out of his pocket. He tried to get it back but I managed to save my number and now I know his number too.

"Hey, Soonie, give it baaack-!!"

I lowered my hands and he snatched his phone instantly. He looked at me and then checked his phone while pouting.

"What did you do to my phone ?" He pouted

"Saving my number, so you can call me... soon."

"Hmph, whatever." He hid his phone back to his pocket, and walked towards the door. Still pouting.

"Where are you going ?" I asked him while walking towards him. He didn't answer me and continued to walk towards the door.

I ran towards him and blocked the door, I repeated my question a bit louder, maybe a little too loud because he flinched. "Where are you going ?"

"Back to class."


"Wae ?"

"I'm lonely." I said, this time it's my turn to pout. I lowered my head to look at the ground, I look so pitiful right now...


I lifted my head to look at him.

"You said you would remember me.." He said, his eyes seemed a bit misty, he has this disappointed expression on his face

"Mianhae Hoon-ie, can't we start over ?"

"Ugh, pabo-!!" He said, "Why are you saying things like that when you said you forgot about me ?!"

He's close to tears, why is my heart breaking at this sight. He's right, I barely know him. But why does he seem so.. familiar... No, I don't want to see him cry. I instinctively moved closer to him and hugged him.


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