chapter 4 part 2

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Scarlett's POV

                                  Flashback memories of past

Penny screamed in pain as I was forced to watch her get raped. This is the third time so far. My own sister.

"Stop please! Stop Connor!Please Connor I'll do anything just make your brother stop."

"I told you this is your punishment. Next time you'll think before disobeying me!"

I sat up screaming. Isaac was next to me. He calmed me down. Our kidnapper's behind him. They looked worried. "Scarlett you need to trust me." "Ok" I whispered. He looked at my kidnapper and nodded. I tensed. Isaac gave a smile. "He won't hurt you. He's going to take you to the room you need to rest."

"No!!" "He won't hurt you!". "Isaac I can't sleep." "It's ok. You will soon." I gave him confused look. My kidnapper approached me slowly. Then got out a needle. I tensed. I tried to get up but I saw two completely different people holding me down. "Stop!!" But he injected me anyway.

I felt tired and let the lepcauns of darkness welcome me to sleep.

Isaac's POV

Mason came back "she's asleep" he muttered. "Why I'd she react like that to the needle?" Mason asked. "Not the needle but what is in the syringe." I cringed at the thought. "What did you mean by Again?" "No not my place to tell. Plus I don't even Know the full story. I only know what she screams in her sleep and her triggers to what causes her flashes!" "Flashes? " "Yes to trigger her memory."

                     *Time pass of three days from that ☝*

I isolated myself. From everything and everyone. I hoped to die a slow and painful death after what happened but this will do.
Knowing that Isaac is here. And will be left to fend by himself.

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