chapter 9

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Scarlett's POV

Mason was raming into my shield like a mad man. I felt well and hurt. It hurt so much for me to do this. Isaac transported over to them. I puffed.

S: Mason stop before I do something I don't regret!

The gamma didn't like me threatening his alpha but I could sense he was amused.

G: Ha and what could you do?

S: This!

He gave me a questionable look. I pointed to Mason.

S: salum!

Mason went limp.

G: what did you do?

S: He is asleep! He will be awake in a few minutes. I must leave. Goodbye Isaac. Goodbye Alex.

A: Why?

S: Because I am dangerous

G: How?

S: Because of what I am!

Isaac tensed and a few more stepped out of the trees. Including Chris!

C: And what exactly are you?

S: That is the problem. Nobody knows.

I: Scarlett?

S: I am truly sorry. Goodbye everyone

I noticed Mason getting up. I shot him a small smile. Then I ran as fast as I could. I was finally about six miles away when I shifted.

Mason's POV

I watched her leave. No!!! Isaac stepped forward.

I: I'm sorry Mason but....

M: what was she?

I:  Like she said nobody knows. She is many things but she only believes in one.

M: That is?

I: She believes that she is a monster and many know her as one!

M: What?

I: Fuck she's gonna kill me!!

A: Babe why is she going to kill you?

I: Alpha can you do me a favor?

I looked at him confused.

G: why should he?

I: A favor for a favor!

I felt the smerk spread across my face!

M: What do we need to do?

My gamma greyson stepped forward.

G: We are concerned! What is happening?

M: I do him a favor and he does me one. A favor from me to help him get my mate back!

G: MATE???????

Shit! We didn't tell nobody. I nodded.
(The emoji ⭕ is a symbol for everyone.)

⭕: Congratulations!!!!!

Me and Alex smiled.

I: So that favor???

Bummer Cliff hanger!!!! So please leave comments! Sorry about updating I am currently working on 5 different story's!! Oh check them out two others are up!!!!

Oh and I need some characters so if you want to make a character for me then message me. Tell me a name description and then we will talk about your position!! Oh and tell me if you are good or bad!! Wheither it is a good person who is a badass or an evil force that is deadly to Scarlett!!!!

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