chapter 6

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(Mindlink is in italics)


What's up Scar?

I think I know why we're here!


Remember what I can do?

Yes! Why?

Just met me down in the kitchen with Alex!

Ok! On our way now!

"Let's go" I said pulling Mason to the kitchen. Me and Isaac sat closer to the door. The boys looked confused. "Ok now both of you owe us an explanation!!" I did pointing to Alex and Mason.

"We'll see your......your our... Fuck this is harder than I thought!!!!" Screamed Alex. Mason grabbed his shoulder. It looked like they were mindlinking each other. I mindlinked Isaac.

I think their mindlinking.

Yeah but are you and them alike?

No I am the first

That you know of?

No the first ever


Mason screaming broke our Link. "Lett. Scarlett. Are you ok?" I nodded. "Your... Just promise?!?" I put on a confused look. Isaac followed my lead. "Promise what?" "You won't scream or cry?" "Both of you!?" Alex said looking at Isaac.

We nodded. "We're werewolves."  Me and Isaac tensed.

Mason's POV

My princess let out along line of curse words. Then her and Alex's mate tensed. Alex was the first to talk. "There's more to the story than we're werewolves. But we should wait a little." He took a step towards his mate.

Alex's POV

I took a step towards Isaac. Mason's mate Scarlett pulled Isaac behind her. Then they just looked at each other.

Scarlett's POV

I pulled Isaac behind me. Then mindlinked him.

Scarlett you have to leave.

No,not without you

They'll kill you

Mason won't he's my mate

But Alex will

Fuck!then Mason would kill you

We need to leave

Ok we're going to act scared and run to my room

Ok let's go

Alex step forward again. Me and Isaac ran to my room without a single blink. I pushed the bed against the door and the dresser on top of the bed.

"The window" Isaac pointed to the window. I looked at it. It was locked and made of bolt proof glass. "We're doomed by the fucking unicorns themselves." I smiled. Then picked the lock. Isaac smerked." Ok so I hid some Bobby pins."

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