chapter 5

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We sat down and ate breakfast. Which me and Isaac mad french toast with scrambled eggs and sausage. It took awhile but oh my unicorn it was delicious. We turned to our kidnapper whom are sitting across from us because we refused to eat other wise.

"So our explanation to why we're here? Why us?" "We want the truth!!" Me and Isaac demand. The boys looked at us worried. They hesitated and then took a deep breath. Mason was just about to explain when a guy came in. Lucky asses!!! We'll get those answers soon. "Alp.. Alex, Mason your needed in the office." Mason nodded,"Stay with them." Mason and Alex left. "Breakfast?" We offered to him. "Thank you." "No problem so what's your name?"
"I am Zander. You'll be seeing a lot of me. Now that I am your bodyguard." He smiled. " Oh ok." Isaac and me smiled then I clicked the button on the bracelet. We linked.



We should use Zander for information.

Yah mabey he knows something about Alex and Mason.

I broke the mind link. "So Zander! What can you tell me about Mason?" I asked curiously."I can tell you he's a great Alp.. he's a great boss. Stubbon, protective and defenatly possessive. Same goes with Alex." "Possessive? Mmm?" I smerked at Isaac. He nodded. "Well I don't know I guess their hot but your way more.....built.Cute and defenatly hotter. Me and Isaac said at the same Time. Zander looked at us in ahhhz. "Are you straight?" I asked Isaac quickly catched on, "Or gay?" "Dibs" we called out in perfect unison. "I'm bisexual!" He said blushing. "We could share?" Isaac said. "Ye...." The kitchen door was broke down. Alex and Mason came in pissed. Yes plan worked. Alex grabbed Isaac. Mason grabbed me. They drug us out into the living room. "Your mine!!! Nobody else get you. Your mine only. No other guy gets to touch you!!!!" Alex screamed at Isaac."same for you with Mason!!" Alex pointed to me. Mason had stepped back a few steps, he was pissed. Isaac was crying. Shit!! Xavier! I pushed Alex back. He looked at me with anger and surprise. I pulled Isaac into a hug."Shhhh... It's ok." "H..he..X.." " Xavier is gone! It's ok." Isaac cried in my arms. So I started to sing a song,

(This is a warning!!!! I wore this if copyrighted I will immedantly go to court!!!!)

Everybody says when life hands you lemons__
You make lemonade but what if life gave_ you oranges__
said to do the same____
You can judge me
But I can't judge you
You don't know my life or what I'm going through
Self harmer
Cutting my skin
I just can't win
I'm so fucked up in the head
Mabey I just need more meds......

Song continues just not yet currently work in progress

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