Chapter.1 Isn't she dreadful?

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"Isn't she wonderful?"-Stevie Wonder

Maia Jones is a happy spirited seventeen year old with mood swings just like any other teen and the lowest percent of patience anyone has ever encountered. Through her eyes she was right about average physically; average height, average black wavy hair, average body type and to top all that average brown eyes, however her confidence was higher than the clouds because believe when I say this: she knew she was something special.

Through Mathew's eyes she was plain and boring. Nothing about her sparked any interest in him, well besides the raging anger he felt every time he saw or even thought about her.

What? Where you expecting something nice from him? Nope,we are talking about pure hatred here. Mathew saw Maia as the most irritating and distasteful person to ever enter his life. If he'd knew what he was in for the minute Maia entered his life he would've locked that door with as many locks and security possible but, now it was hopeless they couldn't escape each other and not because they haven't tried, it just wasn't possible.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said there was only pure hatred between them. Want more proof? When Mathew discovered the initial of his sworn enemy he tried to change his name seeing as having the same initial as Maia was to much for him to bear. Over reacting? Maybe. Was Mathew going to admit that? Definitely not.

Although everyone tried to pin point what was the exact moment that made those two hate each other with everything they had they couldn't trace the event.

Mathew however knew exactly when that hate started to bloom. August 27, 2014 at 8:30 am first day of school as freshman; is it odd for him to remember the exact date and time? Maybe.

But for Mathew it wasn't odd at all. How could someone forget the first glare and hate filled glance you exchange with your life sworn enemy? Impossible to forget , he thought.

Some may see it as something negative, for him it was something memorable just like a birthday or an anniversary or any other holiday and he was planning on keeping that tradition very much alive.

And even though this tradition may be the end of both they wouldn't stop if it meant this would indicate their loss; they were far to proud for that.

But perhaps this senior year would show these two idiots a few things and just like many say: life is full of surprises, but that doesn't mean you'll like them.

Thanks for giving my book a shot and sticking around for the first chapter, as you could already see chapter titles will be fragments of songs edited so the can go nicely with the chapters content.
Until next time, Nat🌻

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