Chapter.2 - I want you to leave

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"I want you to stay"-Rihanna

Mathew Summers was your typical approachable, social, funny teen. He visualized himself as a model although from Maia's point of view that was far from the truth. Mathew had a great height, good smile and black hair again ironically the same as Maia's hair.

In this case irony was just a fancy way of letting them know life was laughing right in front of their faces.

Through Maia's eyes Mathew was just as good as a tooth ache, so not so good at all. For Maia it wasn't instant hate it was just instant dislike. Obviously from what you have read previously you can tell that what started  as a simple dislike quickly turned into a hatred no one seemed to understand.

Maia has a strong temper that she has been trying to control for a while and then Mathew came to trash all that down. But soon enough Maia found a solution to all of her Mathew related problems...which were a lot.

She turned Mathew Summers into her own personal  punching bag. Whether she was having a bad day, was going through one of her mood swings that came as product of her period or she was being dominated by stress like usual she was certain she could take it all out on Mathew with a few not so pretty insults.

It may seem cruel but it wasn't, she thought. It was a mutual mental agreement no else was aware of but them. They would insult the heck out of each other but at the final of the day they wouldn't take it personally,  it would just work as a fuel to their love hate relationship.

No. You are not seeing anything wrong. I just said love hate relationship. Why oh why would I say something like that?

You see for Mathew it was simple. He hated her because she wasn't amused by his sole presence and stupid jokes like everyone else; he loved her for the same reason for she was a code he had to solve.

For her it was a tad bit more complicated. She hated him because he completely defied the balance she thought was perfect in her life and she loved him for all the same reason.

Irony seems to keep playing a big part on this story, isn't?

Here's the catch, they were certain of their hate for each other, but completely oblivious of the very presence of love.

Where they stupid for not noticing? Yes.
Would they notice anytime soon? Oh God I sure hope so.

See ya next chapter, Nat🌻

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