Chapter.7-If it ain't hate

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"If it ain't love"-Jason Derulo

Thanksgiving break was closer than ever and even though the last past months flew by pretty quick, Joanne felt like it was an eternity.

The pranks had gotten more frequent and somehow worse which was practically impossible considering the fact that the first two pranks were pretty harsh, but of course the only people suffering from this whole ordeal were solely and exclusively Maia and Mathew's friends.

For everyone else it was by far the most interesting thing to happen.

Heck, it even made going to school worthy.

Sadly, the best things in life have to come to an end, and unfortunately that also includes "the games".

Finally, it was the last day of school before thanksgiving break and instead of hurrying students to go to their respective classes Mrs.García, of course, was holding a closing ceremony for "the games".

A total normal behavior from the principal.

There it was, displaying before Joanne's eyes like a bad deja vu replaying itself tauntingly, daring to burst her bubble of sanity and make her just lose her usually collected behavior.

Right in the middle of the cafeteria, a stage, yet again, Mrs.García fulfilling her tv host fantasies but this time there were actual sofas in the stage as if it were a real talk show.

Maia on the other hand was on cloud nine. She knew she was meant for the Hollywood life , she just didn't thought it would become a reality so soon.

She climbed on stage took a seat and proceeded to answer the principal's questions like she was on the Ellen Show.

"So tell me , how or where do you find the creativity to create such intricate and well thought pranks?" Mrs. García started.

"Well, I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging or anything, but I'm kind of a genius, you know? Ideas just come to me randomly and I don't waste time and act on them quickly". Maia answered as she blowed kisses to the crowd.

"I see, your talent is undeniable Maia, you clearly have been a surprise to everyone in this year's games" Mrs. García replied.

"Well thanks for your time Maia, now let's have Mathew here on stage." the principal greeted excitedly, hiding very poorly that she rooted for him.

On the way to the stage stairs Maia bumped into Mathew and was about to leave, but of course not before exchanging some sweet words of encouragement.

"Hi , there it is! My favorite waste of life. Hope I don't humiliate you that much when I win." Maia said in a painfully sarcastic way and left without giving Mathew a chance to respond.

"Mathew! You clearly have been really consistent in your pranks this year, tell me: has it been hard going against Maia this year? She clearly has displayed a more hardcore technique this year."

"Has she? I really haven't noticed, I always had the upper hand so there hasn't been a real game changer. I'm confident that I'll get an easy win this year" Mathew concluded cockily.

"Ok, ok golden boy. I think that's enough." Mrs. García concluded.

"And now what you all have been waiting for...the announcement of this year's winner of "the games"..." Mrs. García said like she was on a beauty pageant.

"This year I have to admit, was full of surprises and it was also, to say the least very interesting."

"The winner of the 2017 games is... Maia!!" Mrs. García announced feigning excitement, she obviously wanted Mathew to win.

Maia jumped back to stage, grabbed the trophy and took the microphone with her other hand "First I'd like to thank myself for being so damn awesome, and obviously I'd also like to thank all of my fans".

Half of the crowd went wild, whilst the other half remained silent; obviously remaining loyal to Mathew .

Maia had won , Mathew had lost, that would be the end of it; right?

Of course not, when it comes to Maia's and Mathew's constant fighting there could never be an end.

Where's the fun in having an ending?

Yes, it be a more emotionally stable situation for both of them, and yes it would give peace to their friends, but there would be no fun.

Fighting had become their safe home.


Because they both knew that if they fought and lost they could always gain the upper hand in the next prank or insult.

Although both of them had created a thick wall around their emotions it seemed as if the wall couldn't stand firm for much longer.

Sometimes letting your feelings out in the clear can be liberating, but sometimes it could just break all hell lose.

Imagine letting the emotions of two hot tempered teens let lose , emotions that they have been holding on to for way to long. Both of them knew for sure that this was a disaster that couldn't be halted for much longer and perhaps the fact that scared them the most was that they knew perfectly well, that this was a fact they were most definitely bound to lose.

For now, Mathew decided to ignore that nagging feeling in the back in his mind and to write away in his poetry notebook one which no one knew about because he could only imagine what would happen if Maia found out about it.

As for Maia she decided to ignore the feeling she classified as nausea as a consequence for eating for breakfast a cold leftover taco and thought about nicer things like all the turkey she would eat.

Both where delaying the inevitable, but neither of them knew what exactly they were evading, they just knew it would happen soon.

Till then, let the days pass by and all hell break loose.

See ya next chapter, Nat🌻

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