Chapter.5-I love that I hate you

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"I hate that I love you"- Gnash

When Joanne stepped out of the principal's office, Tuesday on the afternoon, she thought the worst part had passed but boy was she wrong. When Joanne stepped into school on Wednesday, she thought for a moment that her mind was playing games on her.

Deja vu? Or another of irony's pretty little pranks?

There she was, in the center of the cafeteria, the principal Mrs.García, on a stage with a microphone in her hand and a huge crowd in front of her.

What. The. Hell?

While Joanne blinked around a hundred times in a single minute and gaped her mouth open like a fish, the principal initiated the opening ceremony for "The Games".

"Beloved student body, we are gathered here on this lovely day to continue with, what I personally believe is one of the most important traditions of this school: "the games" " Mrs.García proclaimed with a British accent, something she claimed made any occasion more official and fancy.

"This morning we start the official opening to the awaited games." she said whilst lighting up an Olympic styled torch... yes, a torch.

"Now, I would like to call over to the stage, Sean Smith, he will explain the few rules and restrictions 'The Games' withold." Mrs.García concluded, handing over the mic to Sean.

"Hi everyone, there are only five rules and they're pretty simple, so let's get started." Sean said, clearing his throat.

"Rule number one, You can't seriously injure the other competitor, for example: burns,cuts,any lost of extremities,lost of an eye or obviously death are completely forbidden.

Rule number two, It is not permitted to poison the other competitor,but laxatives are allowed.

Rule number three, Although you can use help of others, the prank itself must be executed by the participants of "the games".

Rule number four, Involving family members in any of the pranks is NOT permitted.

Rule number five, By any means, no contestant should ever vandalize school property," Sean paused and looked around, waiting for someone to complain but no one did so he continued.

"Ok,well... I think the rules are pretty self explanatory. If any of the rules get broken, in any way, the competition of the contestant that broke the rules gets two points automatically added to their imaginary score board" Sean concluded and got off the stage.

"Please do remember that 'The Games' end the day before thanksgiving break. Now, let's give it up for Maia and Mathew, the stars of 'The Games'." Mrs. García yelled.

The student body erupted in applauds and shouts; to be such an odd tradition the student body loved it way too much, so in a sense the whole school was odd.

Then again, the school did have an out of the ordinary principal so it does make sense after all.

After the whole ceremony was over, the students went to their respective classes, which meant it was only a matter of time before the first prank took place. Every student was looking forward to it, well... every student besides Joanne and Lauren.

Both Maia and Mathew had qualities that gave them some kind of advantage in the competition but it was also true that they also had traits that could definitely result in clear disadvantages.

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