Chapter.3- I just came to say F you

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"I just came to say hello"- Carly Rae Jepsen

Senior year, yay! That was not the first thoughts that crossed Maia's mind while her mother flicked the light switch on and very loudly, to Maia's further annoyance, announced she had to get up for school.

For many teens, senior year meant growing up and being free. For Maia growing up was terrifying; in her mind, the instant someone became an adult they were bound to transform into a lifeless working robot.

"Oh well, it's not like I have any other option" Maia grumbled as she grumpily got out of her bed. She went to the bathroom, got a glance of herself in the mirror, and muttered:"fuck" through her gritted teeth.

No matter how many nighttime routines she watched on YouTube and no matter how carefully she tried to follow every step instructed, she would always end up waking up looking like a hot mess.
"Lies,they're all lies" she kept muttering to herself as she stepped out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. She then headed to her closet to search for an outfit.

"I guess dressing decently for a day won't kill me" she jokingly assumed while grabbing a white t-shirt dress and her,all to famous, high top red converse. She then applied eyeliner, mascara and lip balm. Maia was one of those "all in or nothing" kind of person; she would either make an effort to look presentable or she would leave the house looking like a mad woman. Approximately 80% of the time Maia chose the latter option.

Before leaving her room she headed toward the mirror in her bathroom, to carry off her traditional first day of school pep talks. "You are amazing, everyone loves you, I mean who wouldn't? You are beautiful and obviously school is only the last step before you become world wide famous also known as the second Oprah", satisfied with her speech she left her room not before grabbing her Spider-Man backpack.

Maia quickly went into the kitchen to stuff her backpack with snacks. "Do you really need all of that food?" Maia's mother asked as she eyed her curiously. "What kind of question is that? Of course I need all of this" Maia said pointing at all the snacks in her backpack, which was only seconds away from bursting. "You know, this much awesomeness," Maia paused to point at herself, "doesn't run on air, it needs to feed itself properly".

"Ok then, if you finished making provisions to feed your awesomeness I will be outside in the car waiting for you" Maia's mother said while closing the front door.

Sooner than Maia would've wanted to, her mother was already dropping her off in front of school. "Have a nice day sweetie!" Maia's mother said excitedly. "I would really appreciate if you would refer to me as your awesomeness rather than sweetie" Maia suggested while getting out of the car.

Maia's mom gave out a tired sigh "Just go to school, please".

"Ok, ok love you too" Maia said as she turned around and started to look for her friends and started walking towards them once she saw them.

"He still isn't here,maybe he transferred schools" she thought, grinning like the cheschire cat. Her sunny day soon turned into a gloomy one, as soon as she saw Mathew arrive.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Maia screamed while dropping to her knees and tilting her head towards the sky.

"I ask myself the same thing everyday" Mathew responded with venom in his voice as he reached the spot where the group of friends were located.

"It's nice to know you think about me that often,you know" Maia spat back at Mathew. "I mean I don't blame you, is pretty hard not thinking about someone like me" she continued while getting up.

"You get weirder by the second spidey; it's repulsive" Mathew said totally ignoring Maia's previous comments.

"Spidey?" Maia asked completely dumbfounded. "The backpack genius; what are you a 10 year old boy?" Mathew answered sarcastically.

Before Maia had the chance to respond anything, Laurel,the lovey dovey one of the group decided to cut into the nonsense banter, "Guys it's senior year and it should be memorable not a burden; and by burden I mean your constant arguments; let's love each other and break every wall that restricts us from doing so". Laurel was the definition of being hippie: really long hair,vegan, an infinite patience and the ability to love everyone.

"Sorry I don't plan on talking nicely to that thing over there" Mathew snarled at Maia. Maia too fed up to deal with Mathew, started to walk towards the school's front doors.

"Way to start senior year...oh, and I almost forgot, FUCK YOU MATHEW SUMMERS!" Maia felt in no mood for school anymore and the day was only starting.

Laurel, knowing what an infuriated Maia was capable of, quickly trailed after her to try to calm her down; key word here "try". "Maia sweetheart, remember what we practiced over the summer? Take deep breaths and mention three things that make you happy" Laurel said soothingly.

"Churros, guac and chips and ice cream" Maia said while breathing heavily. "Good job! Now, every time you feel even the slightest wave of anger, remember to take a deep breath and repeat churros, guac and chips and ice cream as many times as you like until you are sure you're calmed" Laurel instructed. "Now, what exactly made you so angry?" Laurel asked.

Maia took another deep breath before answering "Well everyone knows that ever since I was in middle school I created an intricate system of choosing my backpack for the year" she exhaled a puff of air and continued "My first two years of middle school my backpacks were Disney themed, the last two years they were DC superheroes themed". "My fist two years of high school my backpacks were Star Wars themed and these two last years I had previously traced my plan so my backpacks would be Marvel superheroes themed; as you know last year I chose Iron Man and this year evidently I chose Spider-Man, no one has ever questioned or even laughed at my genius and systematical way of choosing my backpacks, no one but MATHEW!!"Maia finished rapidly in one breath.

"Ok, I completely understand; now let's forget about the subject and let's check our schedules to see if we have any classes together" Laurel suggested. "Great idea!" Noah intruded along with the rest of the group.

"Ok, I'll read my schedule and if any of you share the class with me just say your name" Maia suggested and started reading her schedule "First period English, Mr. Morris" no response just a soft "fuck" was heard. Maia continued "Second period Art, Mr.Young" another soft "fuck" was heard. Maia slowly read her last period with hopes that anything other than the consistent "fuck" would be heard "Eighth period Spanish, Mrs. Ramirez" Maia finished and everything went downhill...again.

"FUCK,FUCK,FUCK!!!" Mathew growled. "It can't be possible, I share every single class with that piece of shit!"

Laurel opened her eyes in shock and glanced at Maia and quickly whispered "Remember what we practiced".

"Churros, guac and chips and ice cream" Maia said through her gritted teeth while digging her nails into her palms.

"Hakuna Matata?" Noah said to lighten the mood.

And those were the last words she heard before lunging towards Mathew with a lunatic expression etched on her face.

Mini authors note

Thanks to everyone who gave this novel a shot!!
Also, thanks to blackagar for helping me out with the editing.

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See ya' next chapter, Nat🌻

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