Chapter.8- Can't imagine hate without you

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"Can't imagine love without you"-Stevie Wonder

Thanksgiving break was over in the blink of an eye and Laurel prayed to the universe, more times than she could count, that perhaps the few days away from school would soften the ever growing hatred between her two friends.

Perhaps, her prayers would be answered but in a different that she would have expected.

Since the group of friends had very different class schedules they decided to meet in lunch period because Joanne had a surprise everyone had to hear about.

Joanne besides being the psychologist of the group was also the bossy one, but no one ever cared about it too much because quite frankly, without her the group would be an even bigger mess.

The whole group was already seated except for Maia, whom was currently having a small crisis. A half of her wanted a chocolate chip cookie but the other half wanted a brownie.

"Brownies are great, and chocolate chip cookies are a classic.... I'll just take both." Maia declared to herself with a shrug before she finally made her way to the table, where her friends impatiently awaited her.

"So as you all know thanksgiving break is over which can only mean one thing..." Joanne halted to a stop, to let her friends finish the sentence.

Joanne had set her hopes too high. She actually believed that she would get a perfectly synchronized answer from her beloved friends and the fact that she had set her hopes a bit too high got confirmed when the only answer she got back was: " it's tea time !" from an overly excited Noah.

Seeing how Joanne's patience was quickly running out, Laurel decided to continue with Joanne's announcement.

"What Joanne was trying to say was... that we're going on vacation guys! Imagine how much our souls will get to intertwine in perfect harmony during our days away from the stress, it'll be great." Laurel finished, all in one breath.

"Yes! Soul intertwining! I honestky can't think of a better way of to spend my vacations." Sean spat, every single word dripping with sarcasm.

One might go as far as to say that Sean took a cruel stance towards Laurel but it was quite the opposite really.

For everyone, the chemistry between them was more than evident, and of course Sean being the type of person to speak his mind also had expressed some thoughts about this topic.

Sean himself predicted that they would indeed end up together... someday.

Laurel, wasn't quite opposed to that thought.

Why the hell hasn't anything between happened them yet?

We could blame Laurel for that.

Why is that?

Well, in all her Laurel glory she decided that she needed to be sure that their souls complimented each other's perfectly. Which is more obvious than expected. Laurel the epitome of love and acceptance and Sean the maximum expression of sarcasm and rude honesty.

That's a perfect balance right there.

Hopefully Laurel will find out the obvious soon but back to conquering the bigger problem here...

Mathew and Maia.

Living under the same roof.

For 12 whole days.

That right there is a huge problem.

"Anyways... we'll be leaving for a lovely road trip on December 22 , first thing in the morning and we're expected to already be in New York City, hopefully, by December 25." Joanne stated in a business like manner.

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