Chapter.6- I think I wanna kill you

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"I think I wanna marry you"-Bruno Mars

For anyone that knew Maia, or just anybody in general, the next morning's event, that took place in her room, couldn't be described as anything other than... bizarre.


Maia woke up with a big grin across her face and an overly joyful mood, which was unbelievable and down right scary considering the fact that she barely had any sleep and woke up every hour to vomit on a trash can located beside her bed.

Nonetheless, Maia woke up too happy, to the point where anyone could have assumed that the girl had probably won the lottery or something, and while the smile suited her, it wasn't distracting enough to camouflage the two giant bags under her eyes.

Maia wasted no time, and in a matter of minutes she jogged down the stairs in what she liked to call 'the vengeance outfit'.

If I haven't been crystal clear to this point, Maia is extremely creative and kind of a control freak. The mix of those two qualities resulted in the act of creating complicated systems and orders for even the most ridiculous things.

Exhibit A of this behavior, her way of choosing her school backpacks. Exhibit B, her "special occasion outfits".

For a normal individual a special occasion outfit would be meant for a special dinner, a date, a wedding or a job interview but for Maia, of course, nothing could be normal.

Her special occasion outfits were meant for events such as: a first screening of a new Disney movie, when she knew she had to take a math exam she was certain she would fail (those days she would wear all black clothing), she even had a "friendzone" outfit she would use when she had to turn a guy down. Today she was wearing her all time favorite "vengeance outfit".

Maia had used this outfit before she made some changes to it from time to time and boy did she liked the attention she received.

Maia's red stilettos clicked along the hallway making every head turn; the girls gave her an approving nod and some of the guys just stared dumbfounded; Maia didn't blush or shy away she would throw winks at their way without even the slightest tinge of embarrassment. To be fair, she did look damn good in her black skinny ripped jeans, white tee, leather jacket and of course red lipstick.

Revenge was on its way and the whole school was aware of it.

By the first period, Maia had everything set up and was on cloud nine delighted by the taste of sweet, sweet revenge.

Lakeside High School wasn't on the normal side obviously, it didn't carry with itself the tedious but so painful "social hierarchy" cliches that other schools did carry, so it wasn't a surprise that the cheerleading squad leader agreed instantly to help Maia to get back to Mathew.

"Are you ready Jossy?" Maia signaled at the overly excited cheerleader on the other corner of the hallway.

" Yes, I'm ready" Jossy replied already approaching Mathew.

"And the stupid little mice falls into the trap." Maia whispered to herself with a malicious hint in her voice.

"Hi, Mathew! You know... I've always wanted to get to know you better." Jossy started reaching to take his hand.

"You know... I always knew you had a thing for me. I just didn't want to sound pretentious" Mathew said cockily.

"What do you say we get to know each other better where no one can see us?" Jossy suggested.

"Of course, lead the way" Mathew said clearly happy with his conquest.

Meanwhile hidden in a corner Maia was watching the scene display and couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest seeing Mathew's willingness to go with Jossy.

"Must be a burp stuck in my chest." Maia thought and sure enough a burp came out but it didn't take away that pang.

"Whatever , I'll deal with the burps later, now, let me finish what I started." Maia said to herself while stepping forward once she saw Mathew enter the janitor's closet.

Mathew was about to turn around to get out of the closet when he didn't feel Jossy trailing behind but before he could even take one more step Maia came running to him and tackled him while screaming "BITCH, YOU THOUGHT!" and closing the door with multiple locks.

After exactly 20 minutes, Maia opened the door and out of it came a green faced Mathew, scratch that, out of it came the most disgusting and horrible smelling human to ever exist.

Maia may have gone a little bit over board and within 30 minutes the whole school smelled like a dumpster with decaying bodies, not only because Maia put 50 stink bombs in a janitor's closet but also because every single student of Lakeside High School had vomited. Well... everyone but Maia.

Leave it to her to vomit like a maniac for just a little taste of cheese and to handle the school's killer smell like a champion.

"Maia I'm impressed for that. I won't give you one point, you clearly deserve two. The score is now : Maia 3, Mathew 2. By the way student body you are to leave school early, if your parents ask... blame it on the cafeteria's horrible lunch, no offense lunch ladies. Anyways, that's about it have a good rest of the day and again congrats Maia" the interrupter went off not before catching a muffled sound of Mrs. García vomiting.

Maia strutted out of the school and gave one last glance to Mathew "Hope you use this extra time at home to learn to shower properly." she said in a sickening sweet tone.

"You'll pay for this Maia, trust me." Mathew answered more to himself than to her.

After a good two days off school, thanks to the deep cleaning the school had to go through to get rid of the horrendous smell, the students were back at school and, sure enough, Maia's pranks was the talk of the day.

Some students praised Maia's genius plan, others were on Mathew's side, wether it was because they liked him or because they ended up vomiting due to Maia's little prank, no one knew for certain.

With each passing day, the games got more serious and the pranks got better.

For everyone outside of Maia and Mathew's circle of friends the games were pure entertainment; for them though it was a burden.

Joanne was on the brink of madness and Lauren was taking more yoga and meditation classes than ever. Noah was constantly on an intensive movie marathon, with hopes of finding the perfect quote to lighten the situation, and Sean was being as blunt as ever with his predictions.

Then there was Maia and Mathew sucking the life out of each other with each passing day.

Everyone knew this feud definitely would have an ending, what no one was certain of was how that ending would come across.

A murder? Possibly.

An injury? Really possible.

Destroying each other's life? Already happening.

But what if it's the thing that no one would ever expect?

See ya next chapter, Nat🌻

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