Chapter 2: Their Names

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‘Could you get this to his office?’ Marja held a rapport next my shoulder. I smiled and took it.

Marja was the head of finance department. She liked me very much and that only after one week. Mainly because I wasn’t the one who always talked about the CEO’s who were single and saw them as husband material.

 Laura hit me softly on my shoulder, ‘Can I do it?’ I smiled and nodded. She talked the most about him. I gave it to her and concentrate on my work. I wouldn’t be able to look him right into his eyes anymore. His eyes followed me the whole week already because I saw him almost every day in my first week. Right in every corner of my brain his eyes showed up. He was a nice and caring person and asked a lot of questions about work and how I do things differently. I think it in his nature to be so nice.

 It was Friday and tonight I am going to meet my friends again. I smiled maybe this time I could get a boyfriend, just like Carla. She wasn’t interested in the CEO anymore but found someone else. I heard my office phone ringing and looked who called. It was him again. I ignored his call but I shocked and looked better.

It was his older brother calling me. As fast as I could I picked up and waited to hear his answer first. I heard a serious voice ‘Can you come to my office?’

‘Yes,’ as fast as I could I laid my phone back. I stood up and while I walked to his office  I saw Laura walking  and held her arm and asked, ‘what happened?’ She looked surprised, ‘nothing only he expected you.’ I confusedly looked at her and let her go. I walked further and knocked on the door. ‘Come in.’

I came in and closed the door. I stood only one meter away from the door. Like I waited until he said I needed to take a seat. ‘Take a seat.’ I nodded and walked further. ‘I expected you actually to bring this rapport.’ I stayed quiet in my seat knowing he was right. ‘Next time can you bring it?’

‘Why?’ He looked surprised at me. He didn’t expected such answer. I knew Laura would say yes I will do that.

‘You were giving that order, not Laura.’

‘What makes the differences?’ I asked.

He sighed, ‘Marja and you are the only ones who I like the most and make me feel comfortable somehow.’ I smiled awkwardly, ‘I will do that.’ I stood up. ‘Wait I wasn’t finished.’  I looked at him, ‘I often only allowed Marja of your department to come into my office.’ I looked at window and smiled, ‘Because of types like Laura?’

He smiled and stood up, ‘you understood me very well.’ I nodded, ‘Can I go?’

‘Yes.’ I smiled and bowed to him as a goodbye.

‘How was your first week?’ Carla came in as late as usual. I told Laura everything already. I told her short details of it. Laura said, ‘Do you like him?’ I held my glass still and looked outside the window. Did I like him? He was haunting inside my head for a whole week.

‘So he feels comfortable around you. Maybe he likes you too.’ I shook my head in no. ‘I don’t think he likes me and he feels only comfortable around me just like with Marja, the head of my department.’

‘You didn’t mention his younger brother? You only talked about his elder one. By the way what are their names?’ Laura asked. I sighed, ‘his younger brother,’ I took my whiskey in one shot again. ‘He is the worst. He persuaded me to take all his calls through my office phone. I always needed to call him to tell him his older brother or somebody else is on the phone for him.’

‘Every time I called him he says that he needed to work and that I don't need call him so often. He is freaking teasing me!' I touched my head with my hands to push an upcoming headache back and sighed in anger. I looked at the table and took the rest of my glass as one shot. I saw Carla filling my glass. Maybe I should tell his older brother about his doings. He felt comfortable around me?  I didn't feel that way actually but that is a problem for later.  Now first his younger brother. 'Hey,' Laura touched my shoulder. 'You should tell us their names,' I sighed I don't know.

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