Chapter 6: what did I wanted to do?

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The next day I stood five minutes before 8 o’clock before his company. I didn’t wanted to look inside. I just waited. He probably looked out of windows to waiting for me to get me in his office. I saw a bench further in the street I wanted to take a seat but I was afraid he wouldn’t see me anymore. While I still stood on street I heard a car behind me honking. I turned around and he stepped out.

He looked really good in his grey casual. He threw his key to someone and said, ‘right on time as always.’ I heard the man saying, ‘you are right and good morning Sir Dovorak.’ He walked passed me and few meters further he stopped. ‘Marilyn?’ I looked at his back of his head, ‘yeah?’

‘Are you going to stare all day?’ I shocked and realised he noticed it already. ‘No,’ He probably saw me staring in his black car. He turned around, ‘I will make sure of it you will do it.’  

‘Mmm… ‘I threw my face in the air and said with high tone, ‘don’t be so sure of it.’ I walked passed him into the company. I realised I didn’t knew the way and waited irritated on him. He walked in and smiled arrogantly at me. He stood before the lift and said, ‘take the stairs. It is on floor 9.’ The lift opened it I stood there undecided. I saw him alone going in. He looked at me and smirked, ‘be sure to be on time.’ His words were a start shot run to the stairs. At the floor 6 I sighed and asked myself what I was doing. I took the next ones stairs slowly. He waited for the elevator. ‘There she is.’ He smiled and looked frustrated after it. I wasn’t out of breath or looked warm. He shook his head and walked away. I followed him quickly. I walked to his desk and took a seat. ‘Feeling home already?’ I quickly stood up and said, ‘sorry.’ He smirked, ‘it is okay. My brother taught you probably that.’

I nodded and took my seat again. His office was neater and less decorated as his brother. He had some really expensive stuff in his office. I knew some of it could be sold for millions on an auction.

‘What do think of it?’ I looked confused at him, ‘I mean this office.’

‘Nicely decorated.’ He nodded as an agreement. ‘Here.’ He gave me a document. I looked into in.

I saw a picture of blond girl and a resume of her. He leaned against his desk and started, ‘Her name is Feline. She likes riding horses a lot. We often need to take her to classes.’ I looked at Jack. ‘You mean you need to take her to classes.’ Jack smiled and played with a pen on his desk. ‘Yes.’

He sighed and putted the pen back. ‘She likes to shopping and going to hair shop.’ I felt he looked at my hair and looked up and said, ‘my hair looks fine, just ignore it.’ I looked at the document and smirked a little bit. It made him speechless. ‘She very open with almost every and easy going. I think she wouldn’t be problem.’ I nodded and looked further in the document.

I saw an old man. ‘His name George. He is an owner of big company. He made an offer to us that he interested in our products. We only need to present it for him this Friday. I needed someone to help with that and lately most of our staff in the sell department is sick. I took some of their duties on me but I can’t do that alone. That why we thought of you. Only the problem is that you don’t have experience with it.’ I nodded. ‘So today we are going to one and you are going to help them and look how it goes.’ He looked at the time, ‘it almost time. First we need to pick up Feline.’ I nodded and asked, ‘which car?’ He took his car key and said, ‘mine.’

While by the elevator I wanted to take the stairs again he hold me back. The lift opened and he helped me to get in. I stood next to him. ‘I thought you didn’t want it.’ I looked at him and he smiled while still looking forward, ‘it felt lonely this morning.’ I shook my head and looked forward.

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