chapter 4: Family

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It was lunch time. It is 5 minutes over 12 o’clock. I sat alone and looked bereft to my plate full with food for me. I felt a few eyes in my back looking at me. The story did indeed go through the whole company. I felt horrible of it because of it. It was luckily Friday. I suddenly hear somebody came to sit in front of me. I didn’t bother to look up who it was. Most people of my department worked only four days a week. I, Rosanne and Marja were the only one in our department. The rest had the Friday as free day. I picked with my fork in my meatball and heard a lot people whispering. Rosanne couldn’t be the one in front of me because she going the next round and Marja the next round after it. ‘Don’t you like the food?’ I shocked by hearing Jacks voice in front of me. I looked up, ‘what are you doing here?’ I looked around and saw almost everyone watching me.

 I looked at him, ‘Go and sit somewhere else. For example by your brother.’

‘You didn’t answer my first question.’ I sighed with my eyes closed. Fine now there are going to be more rumours of me in the company, ‘You need to leave, you are only making it worse.’

I looked at my food. ‘I make you feel worse or the food?’ I mumbled, ‘only how I feel a little bit.’

‘Sorry, that wasn’t my intention.’

I mumbled further, ‘I know.’ I suddenly saw how close his head was by my plate almost. ‘Yaay.’ I looked at him and I almost hit him with my hand. ‘Too close,’ I said it softly. He said up straight and smiled, ‘Sorry, I almost couldn’t hear you.’

‘I know,’ I looked desperately at him, ‘please leave, I don’t want more gossips of me.’

‘That is why I am here.’ I sighed, ‘you are not helping me.’

‘Yes I am.’


He laid his hands of the table. I noticed there wasn’t a ring on it. I closed my eyes painfully for a moment. This is not the moment to think about that. Revenge remember Marilyn. Remember what he did to you.

‘By showing you that there are people who don’t believe the rumours about you.’

I choked on a mouthful of food and coughed a little bit. He waited and looked at him.

‘You? I…’ I caught my breath and said, ‘I already expect that you didn’t believe them.’

He looked worried at me, ‘you really don’t know which rumours there are going about you, don’t you?’

I looked at my food and played with it, ‘I don’t want to know.’ He stood up, ‘you are right maybe it is the best you don’t know. You look tired, catch a lot of sleep this weekend.’ I looked at him while he walked away. He made me feel a little better by confirming me more that he didn’t believe them. I realised that eventually in the end you only care about the people who care about you.

This Friday we agreed to see each other by Laura’s house. I bought some small snacks and a little bit alcohol for it. I saw Carla’s car already on Laura’s driveway.  I was quite surprised she was so early. I walked in through the back door and saw her 5 year old daughter, Amber. She looked at me happy, ‘Aunt Marilyn!’ She ran to me and tilt her up and hugged at her. ‘Wow, you are so tall. Tell me what your secret is?’ Laura was only two years older than me and married at a young age.  I heard Laura saying, ‘she eats why too much and her dad spoiled her today.’ I looked at Amber, ‘tell me what did your dad gave you?’ She came by my ear and whispered, ‘candies.’ I smiled at her, ‘don’t eat too fast. Spare some for tomorrow and for your brother.’ I looked around and asked, ‘Where is Rowan?’ Her three year old son. ‘Already in bed.’

‘Ow don’t you need go to bed too?’

‘No, because I may give you a candy from my mom.’ I smiled and set her on the ground. Marilyn said, ‘Amber come on and give your aunt Marilyn a candy.’ Amber walked away and I smiled to her. ‘You looked tired, Marilyn.’ I nodded while I putted my bag on her kitchen table. ‘I know, it was a horrible week.’

‘Aunt?’ I looked next to me and saw ambers hand with a candy. ‘Just what I need. Thank you Amber.’ I caressed her hair with one hand for a moment and took the candy. She walked away and eat it.


‘Yes I know mom, can bring Aunt Marilyn me to bed?’ I smiled I knew she liked to listen to my stories. ‘Not today, Aunt Marilyn don’t feel too well today, maybe next time.’

I got in squat to see her face better, ‘next time I will bring you to bed, okay?’


‘Good night and dream about being a princess you remember?’ She smiled, ‘Good night Aunt Marilyn.’  Laura smiled at me and brought Amber to bed. I brought the drinks to the living room. I saw Carla in the couch with her boyfriend. I smiled and said, ‘I didn’t expect you on time.’ Carla looked at her boyfriend, ‘see it is normal to come in late. Next time we don’t do it again.’ I saw her boyfriend stood up to introduce himself. I shook his hand and said, ‘I am Marilyn. Friends with Carla since…’ I looked at Carla and chuckled, ‘I don’t know it anymore.’  I looked at her boyfriend, ‘Hi, I am Mick.’ I smiled at him, ‘nice to meet you Mick.’

I saw James coming in. Laura’s husband. ‘James!’

He smiled at me and gave me a hug. My brother. We both had caramel brown hair and looked a liked. I still didn’t like our button nose shape. I didn’t saw him that much anymore but the best thing is he married my best friend. ‘You look tired Marilyn.’

‘I know, somebody told me already that.’ Laura came in with the snacks. Mick introduced himself to James. I noticed there was something off by Mick but I didn’t knew what. He looked familiar somehow.

We talked about random stuff and somehow I didn’t want to start about my work until James took Mick with to smoke outside.

After Mick left and I started about my week. After they heard it what happened. ‘Laura that bitch,’ Carla looked at Laura. ‘Sorry.’ Laura chuckled, ‘I know I thought the same thing.’ Carla smiled and sighed, ‘wow, it is complicated. As first I wanted to say you need to stop working there but now I know the whole story I don’t know.’ I nodded. She took a sip of her drink, ‘I am quite curious about the rumours of you on work actually.’ Laura asked, ‘Don’t you like him a little bit after all what he has done for you.’

I looked confused at her and hesitated a little bit. ‘No,’ I said with a strong voice to convince them while my heart told me something else. I was glad James and Mick came in. Laura asked, ‘I think you need to know why he did it.’ I nodded at her and started to asked questions to Carla of how she and Mick met each other.

I yawned while listen to James telling his story how he met Laura. I was really tired. I heard Jack words, ‘catch a lot of sleep this weekend.’ I always do that on Sundays. ‘Maybe we need to go to our beds and call it a night.’ I smiled at James. Laura nodded. Carla stood up and took her boyfriend with her. She was drunk clearly. Mick helped and wished them good night. I leaned back in the couch and closed my eyes for a minute. Laura cleaned together with James the table. I wanted to stand up but James said, ‘We will do it, sis. You go and sleep in guest room.’ I smiled grateful. Laura helped me to get to my room. While I laid in my bed and she sat next to me, ‘you are really bother by it?’

I looked at her and was glad I ever met her. She was my best friend. James and I lost our parents at a very young age in but we always stayed together. I told her things I couldn’t tell my older brother. Coming here felt as a second home. ‘Yes but it will be better tomorrow.’ She smiled back, ‘yes keep on believing that.’

‘Good night Laura.’

‘Good night little sister.’ I looked at the door and saw my brother. ‘You too brother.’

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