Chapter One

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My phone is ringing, and the last thing I want to do right now is answer it. I didn’t get to bed until 4am and it’s only 8. That’s about as far as my memory goes back from last night. I do however; remember that Harry and I had a very bad fight. One of our worse fights, ever, and I decided to attempt and fix it by drinking. Not smart. Not smart at all. Major hangover.

I reach over and grab my phone. Six missed calls. I think to myself, “He hurt me badly last night… I’ll let him taste his own medicine.”

I drag myself out of bed, and practically run to the bathroom. Apparently margaritas don’t mix well with straight vodka, and my toilet was about to figure that out as well. After I hurled my stomach up, I brushed my teeth, and washed my face off. I had to scrub hard to remove the dried tears and dripping mascara.

I go back into my room, turn on the radio, and flop onto my bed. I log onto twitter on my phone, as I am entering my password, what do you know? I hear, “and here it is! One direction’s number 1 single! What makes you beautiful!”

I think to myself, “I can never forget him, Even when I am mad.”

I just let it play and start scrolling through my twitter timeline. Nothing really interesting. The usual tweets from crazy directioners telling me I don’t deserve to be with Harry or that the other boys actually hate me and only pretend to love me, because they love harry. Then I see it. Sugarscape has tweeted that there is, “Trouble in paradise for Harry Styles and girlfriend Briana Evans” I am immediately shocked, and then I remember bits and pieces from last night.. There were paparazzi outside the bar. They saw me scream at Harry belligerently.

Great now Harry and I aren’t talking, and the whole world thinks we broke up. They might as well. I don’t even know where we stand with each other. I put my phone down on my night stand and a minute later it rings. Secretly wishing its Harry, I pick it up.

I look into my vanity mirror as a pick my phone up. My face immediately lights up, and I pick up a call from “Hazza” as it says on my Iphone screen.

“Hello,” I say trying not to sound eager, or angry.

“Briana! Hello?!?!” says a familiar voice, that I know for a fact is not Harry.

“Yes it’s me.. Who is this… I know it isn’t Harry.”

“Briana, it’s Zayn! Harry got into a bad accident… I am at the hospital, Lou was going to call sooner, but he was too hysterical, and I just got here. Liam, and Niall are on their way, and Harry’s Parents are with him right now.”

My heart literally stops. A million and one situations run through my mind, and I begin to sob.

“I- uhh what? I mean which hospital..” I say the tears obvious in my voice.

“NHS Western. Room 201. Please calm down, we don’t know anything yet, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Zayn says with a calming voice.

“Okay, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”

“Okay, Love. Please drive safe. Love you,” Zayn says, and then hangs up.

I jump out of bed. Race to my closet, throw on the Purple Jack Wills Hoodie Harry let me keep, some sweats, and my UGG boots. I quickly rap my hair into a bun, put a headband on, and grab my purse, keys, and phone. I run down the stairs, out the door, not even calm enough to lock the door to my apartment, and jump into my car. Memories of Harry and I flash in an out of my mind, and I am trying really hard to keep my mind on the road.

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