Chapter Nine

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Hello Guys! Thank you, because if you are reading this, that means you stayed with my story. I got 125 reads, and that made me really happy! I am sorry this chapter is short, and boring, but I have to link the story somehow. Enjoy!

-Briana :)xx

The minute I opened the door I was trampled by Louis. He hugged me the tightest he could before Eleanor interrupted,

“Lou, you’re going to squeeze the baby right out before you’re even an uncle! Now go congratulate Harreh.” She commanded as she gently hugged me.

“Hi El, I miss you!”

“I know, I miss you too! I feel like we haven’t talked in ages!”

“Come one let’s sit! Do you want something to Drink?” I asked her.

“Oh no, I’m fine, and let me take care of you! Little Miss mummy.”

“Thanks, but I think I’m good on my own for a while.” I said as I laughed a little.

“Will you excuse me for a moment, the one thing that has already kicked in is my bladder! I have to pee, all the time!” I said.

“No problem, mind if I call Danielle?”

“On no, not at all! Tell her to get her butt over here, now!” I said playfully while walking to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom, I passed the office where Harry and Louis were having their brotherly talked I assumed. I couldn’t help myself, and I eavesdropped a bit.

“Harreh, I am so happy for you.”

“Thank you so much, Lou. I love her so much. I cannot wait to have this baby.”

“You two will be great parents.”

“Thank you, do you think it’s too soon to propose?”

And that is all I heard. My heart started pounding really hard and I ran to the bathroom quickly to avoid being caught, and hearing that only increased my urge to pee. It’s not that I don’t want to marry Harry, it’s just hearing that made me realize how serious this is getting. I know Harry is the only person I want to spend my life with, and he stills gives me butterflies. That’s what this is. Nerves from the fact that I am head of heels in love with him.

When I walked into the living room Harry was sitting on the love seat and Eleanor was cuddled up to Louis on the couch. They were making small talk.

“Isn’t my girlfriend just glowing?” Harry said.

I blushed and then there was a knock at the door.

“Oh, looky there, I’ll get it” I say facetiously, giving Harry a glance.

I open the door, and it’s Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Danielle. They all attack me once again with hugs.

“Can’t… breathe! Guys! I love you but get off!” I Say playfully.

“Hey guys, don’t crush my babe, and our …. BABY!” Harry says obviously trying to hint at the fact he is going to be a daddy and he wants hugs too. Zayn, Niall, and Liam attack Harry into a giant bro hug, and Danielle hugs me.

“I missed you so much! Where have you been?” I ask her.

“Oh, you know. Working. I have Barely seen Leeeyum.” I just loved the way she said his name. She was so cute.

“Oh, well you me and Eleanor need to go out before I get fat and ugly.” I tell her.

“I agree, except with the fat and ugly part, you are incapable of doing that.” Says Eleanor from across the room.

The hugs are finally done, and we all decide to go out to the terrace on the top of my flat. The boys take some beers, the girls and I have some lemonade. We all sit around on the outdoor couches, and engage in our normal conversations. I love being in one big group. We are so fun when we are all together. And then…. the awkward conversations begin.

“So, Haz what did I tell you about wrapping your winky?” Says Louis.

“What can I say? It was a spur of the moment, and I just couldn’t resist.” Harry says as he tightens his grasp on my hip. I giggle a bit, and blush. Hoping these questions will stop, but of course. They do not.

“So Briana, must have been good to get you knocked up in one try!” Says Niall.

“Who said it was one try… it was a long weekend.” I say.

“Oooo! She has comebacks!” Yells Zayn.

“Okay guys, as much as I love you can we get off the topic of our sex life?” I ask.

“Fine! You’re no fun!” Says Lou as he sticks his tongue out at me.

“Briana, have you thought about names?” Asked El, clearly knowing how awkward this is for me.

“Erm, well not really. I like Ethan or Noah for a boy.”

“And we all know I like Darcy for a girl.” Harry chimed in. The conversation continued on to who knows what. I must have drifted asleep on Harrys lap because when I woke up Harry was carrying me to our apartment and back to bed. I opened my eyes and lifted my head a bit. I smiled.

“Hello beautiful.”

“Hi” I said like a little girl. “Did everyone leave?”

“Yeah, about 45 minutes ago. They helped clean up and then I just sat outside with you in my arms, thinking. I thought I should bring you to bed now.”

“Okay.” I said still half asleep.

Harry laid me down in bed and put my pajamas on, he went to brush his teeth, and then climbed into bed next me. He lifted me up and put my head on his chest, and I fell asleep while he rubbed my back.

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