Chapter Eleven

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I hope the last chapter left you on the edge of your seat! Thank you to all the people reading, and please don't hesitate with feedback! Vote and comment!

-Briana <3 :)xx

“What’s going on?!” I screamed in a panic.

“Briana, calm down. Let the Doctor explain.” Harry said as he squeezed my hand.

“Well, it’s nothing too bad, but erm. Well, you two are having... twins.”

I don’t even know what happened after that. I must’ve passed out. I woke up in the same exam room we had been in. the lights were off and I was clothed. I looked around the room, and I saw Harry in the corner on his phone. He was turned away from me.

“Yes Lou, I am happy, but I am just so scared. We haven’t even told our parents yet, and what will Briana’s parents say? Her mom already highly disapproves of me and what about the tours. I cannot leave Briana and two babies alone for months.” He stopped and I could hear the tears building up in his voice.

“Okay, okay. Love you too. Bye.”

“achoo!” I sneezed and I startled Harry because he jumped.

“You’re awake?” He said walking towards me.

“Yeah, and I heard you. I’m so sorry. I ruined our lives, and now-“

“Stop! You did not ruin my life at all! You are going to make it all the more better! I am just scared. Who wouldn’t be? We are going to figure this out, together. I love you. Stop crying please.”

“Okay. I just… Don’t know what we’re going to do. There are so man what ifs and I really don’t want to tell my parents.”

“How about we start with my mum? Today? Lunch at her house?”

“Okay, wait! What time is it?!” I said frantically.

“10:30 why? Oh shit! I forgot you had class, I am so sorry babe.”

“It’s fine. I have to go talk to my counselor anyway. Since your accident I haven’t been to school much.”

“Okay lets go honey.” Harry said as I got off the exam bed.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room as parents. Of two babies. Our lives are forever changed but all we know is that we love each other, and together we can get through anything.

------------ FLASHBACK------------

“Oh I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz.” I said as I bent over to pick up this man’s book that I had knocked over when I ran into him.

“It’s no problem, Love.” A gorgeous, boy said. Not a man. He was young and had the most amazing green eyes. He had big curly hair that he quickly shook and then readjusted.

“I um- erm..”

“Hi I’m Harry.”

“I’m ummmmm”

“Hi ummmmm, Nice to meet you!”

“haha, I am Briana.” I said as I blushed bright red.

“You don’t look familiar and with that accent, I know you’re not from here! Where are you from, babe?”

“I’m from The USA. California more specifically.”

“Ahhh. Move here with your family?”

“Oh, no. I’m here alone. For schooling.”

“Alone? You look quite young!”

“Excuse me! I am 16!” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

“Yes as I said quite young! Hey, love would you like to grab some tea with me at the bakery around the corner?”

“Sure. You can tell me about Cheshire. I do need someone to show me around!”

“Great! Let’s go.” He said as he put his hand out for me to hold.

Little did I know this day was the first of many I would go to grab tea with Harry, or that I would be, two years later having his children. That is the day my life changed forever, and the day I met the love of my life.

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