Chapter Sixteen

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Hello Lovely Readers! I am liking where the story is going, and I'm glad bcos for a while I hated it! I am perfecting details, and I hope you enjoy!

The picture over there ----->

Is pretty much How I picture the nursery, but with two cribs of course, and maybe a bit bigger.

My Lovely Friend @AnaliciaMalik starting the extension of this story on her own page! (FINALLY!)

So you should check it out, she is basically explainging the back story of her love for Zayn, as seen in this story.  (:

If you are reading this, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, and again, I hope you enjoy!

-Briana xx

and please Rate, Vote, and comment! It really does make my day!


"Well, Mrs. Styles, everything looks normal, but with twins there is always a great risk. And there is a higher chance you may need a c-section. One thing we always like to watch out for is the ambilical cords wrapping around either baby." The doctor was explaining and I was trying my best to pay attention, but I was just so damn tired. At six months, I was huge and I gained a solid 25 pounds. I felt disgusting, although Harry never failed to tell me how 'lovely' I looked.

"Is there anything she can do to prevent these things from happening?" Harry asked.

"We can just hope for the best, and eat healthy. Do simple excercies, and if anything feels remotely off, call us immediately. Now, would you like to know the sex of the babies?"

I Looked up at Harry, "It's up to you baby, I don't care."

"Erm, uhhh. Y-yes." He said smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't believe how excited he was.

After about two minutes of searching around on the screen, the doctor finally said, "Congratulations, you  two are having two baby girls!" 

I looked up at Harry and he had tears rolling down his face. I couldn't stop smiling. He bent down and kissed me, and I could feel his smile through his lips. He buried his mop of brown curls in the crook of my neck, and whispered, "I am so happy, and i could never feel this way with anyone but you."

Apparently this was quite a seen because when I finally looked up the Nurse had tears in her eyes, and she was cooing "Awwwwww." 


"Harry do I really have to eat this? I want a Burger."

"Babe, the doctor said eating healthy could prevent things from going wrong. Come on the salad looks good."

"And your french fries look better." I said to him as we were sitting outside at a lovely little bistro around the corner from my flat.

"How about you eat your sald, and then we go get frozen yogurt?" He pleaded.

"Fine. and then can we go to the mall? Since I know we're having two little girls, I want to decorate the nursery."

"Yeah, that sounds fine. We also need a new desk, I want to move the computer in our room so the office can be the nursery."

"Okay, that sounds perfect."


"Hey guys!" Analicia yelled from the kitchen as Harry and I walked in.

"Hi babe."

"Geez! Did you buy the whole store?" She whined!

"No, but our little girls need a fashionable room!" Harry said smiling.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH. You're having girls!!! Oh my gosh! I am so excited!" Analicia exclaimed running towards me. She practically jumped on me, and I am sure she would have if this baby bump hadn't been in the way.

"So can we start decorating now? I reaaaaaaaally want to help!" She cried.

"Yes, let me just get changed, I am so tired!"

"Babe, I'll move the stuff out right now, Don't you dare try to pick anything up!"

"Don't worry Haz, I won't let her do anything too tiring!" Analicia said patting Harry's stomach.


"Okay, Harry. I want that crib in that corner, and this crib in the exact same spot on the opposite wall."

"Yes Ma'am!" Harry said sarcastically.

"Please!" I said smiling.

"Anything for you my love." Harry said kissing my forehead. He looked so adorable all sweaty and smiling. He had to be the most adorable daddy ever.

"Analicia, where do you thing the changing station should go?"




"Analicia Alexander! Are you ignoring me for a reason?" I asked while turning around.

"Huh? Oh umm sorry.." She said staring at her IPhone.

and it begins.. the inseperable love birds.

After hours of having harry move furniture and asking analicia to hang pictures, I finally got the nursery to look the way I want. I also folded some clothes we bought, and our flat is starting to feel very homey. 


I had my Hazaa, my best friend... and my two babies. Could life get more perfect?

Did I have to ask? Because that's when things took a turn for the worst.

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