Chapter Fifteen

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Here you go!

Oh and the POV is in Briana's unless said otherwise. 

-Briana xx

“Harry stop it!”

“Come one, babe. Pleaaaase!”

“Harry Edward Styles stop it this minute or I’m leaving.”

“Baby, come one.. seriously?”

“Harry I will not have sex with you! Analicia is in the next room, Zayn is on the couch, and I feel fat.”

“Babe, Analicia is across the flat, Zayn is knocked out, and you look amazing.”

“Harrrrry. Just cuddle me.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close to his chest, he started kissing my neck.

Let’s just say Harry got his was, as usual.

------ZAYN’S POV------

Are they serious right now? That’s nasty. I am right here. Oh god. Gross. That’s all I could think, when I heard noises coming from Briana and Harry’s room. I grabbed the pillow off the couch, and covered my ears. There, that helps. Now If I could only get Analicia off my mind. I just kept replaying that sentence.

“Let’s just move on and try and be friends.”

Did she not feel the same way about me? I missed her like crazy. This whole break up was my fault, and ever since then I’ve wanted her back.

I grab my phone to check the time. 4 am. What the fuck, Hazza is such a horny arse.

I decided to go to the top of the building. I know there are couches and a nice view.

The elevator doors open and I see someone sitting in one of the couches. I almost decide to go back, but I don’t want to hear the happy couple, and the cool air feels nice on my skin. I sit on the couch opposite of the woman.

“Hi, Do you mind if I sit here?” I asked her. She had a hoodie on, and her head was down.

“Erm, No.” Analicia answered.

Shit. Could this be more awkward?

“Oh hi. Couldn’t sleep?” I asked her. Hoping she’d talk to me.

“No, I have a lot on my mind. What brings you up here?”

“The happy couple was being a little too happy, if you know what I mean.”

“EWWWW. They already have two in the oven. Geez.” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know.” I really hope she has more to say, because this is about to get very awkward.

“So erm, about earlier, I need to get this off my chest.”

“Okay.” I didn’t know what else to say, I must sound like a dick.

“Zayn, I loved you. I still love you. Leaving you, and the relationship we has is the hardest thing I have had to do in a really long time. But it was my job, I thought you’d understand especially with the work you do. I thought that you’d understand, and we could work the long distant relationship thing. I really think we could’ve worked. But I can’t sit here and pretend I’m okay, because I’m not. I will move on, if that’s what you think is best, but I need you to know this is how I feel.”

“Analicia, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I ended it. I just felt like you’d go to Paris, and find some amazing guy, or that I would hold you back. I really want this to work, if there even is a ‘this’ anymore.”

“Hold me back? Are you kidding me? Do you know how many times I thought you were too good for me? You are a superstar. The whole world knows your name. You could do so much better than me.”

“Analicia, you’re perfect, and I could never find anyone better than you.” I said with base in my voice, and I moved over to the couch she was on. I grabbed her face in both of my hands, and kissed her passionately, letting my lips melt to hers. I had been longing to do that for so long. Soon her lips were moving in sync with mine, and for once… I felt at peace.

So, I think the story will pretty much be in Briana's POV from now on because switiching is causing me to want to write more about this extension, and that will jsut cause a long and confusing mess! and in other exciting news...

My friend Analicia (my character choice is very simple, haha) is going to right the Back story of the love between Analicia and zayn! She is going to start from the beginging and explain how she had to leave for paris! Exciting stuff! Her wattpad is: AnaliciaMalik so go check her out.

I don't know when she plans on doing this, though. (She's slow.. haha) 

I am also going to dedicate this to her, well bcos it was pretty much based off her! xx

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