Chapter Ten

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My original plan was to cut this story off at 10 chapters. WAS I KIDDING MYSELF? My first story, so I hope y’all are enjoying. Feedback? Okay maybe not..? LOVE YOU BABE.

-Briana :)x

“Harry! Wake up! Harrrrry!” God he was such a sound sleeper. My doctor’s appointment is in less than an hour and he is never going to be ready in time. Sometimes it takes him longer to get ready than me.

“Harry, GET UP NOW!” I screamed shaking him.

“Ugggggggh” He grumbled as he pulled the sheet over his head.

“Harry Edward Styles you have 2 seconds to get out of this bed, or… or,” I started.

“Or what? You’ll love me to death?” He said with a smart tone in his voice.

“Babe, I’m not kidding we can’t be late, I have class after the doctors.”

“Okay, I’m going!” He said.

I walked into the living room grabbing my keys and my purse. I checked my phone. 3 new messages.


Hey sweetie. Haven’t heard from you lately, and I have seen lots of rumors. I’d like a call once in a while. Love you.


Hey babe! I miss you! I really wish I could’ve made it last night! Still in Paris shooting for this mag! Can’t wait to hear the big news! <3

The Tommo:

Just saw the cutest baby Toms! He/she could match Uncle Lou! When can we start shopping for it?

I Sort of avoided my Mom’s message. I’ll call her later.. I lied to myself again. I Texted Analicia back,

Miss you too BABE. And erm, you’ll either love the news or beat me. Call me as soon as you get back to London! :)xx

I laughed at Lou’s message and sent back,

He or she isn’t an “it” Lol, as soon as I find out what he/she is I will take you shopping! Love you xx

Just then Harry walked in the kitchen, he looked so damn sexy. He was wearing dark wash skinny jeans and a plain white V-neck. His pants were just below his bum, and I could slightly see his grey Jack Wills boxers. On his head was a grey beanie. I loved when he wore beanies.

“I know I’m sexy but can you wipe your drool?” He said.

“Shut up, you aren’t even that cute!”

“You know I am! Almost as sexy as you!” He said walking towards me. When he got up to my face he looked down at me, him being a good five inches taller and kissed me forehead.


“Yeah, let’s go.”

Harry locked the door and walked down the hall with his good hand around my waist.

When we got to the lobby of my apartment there were paparazzi standing outside. I grumbled.

“It’s okay, babe. Just ignore them.” Harry says as he grabbed onto me tighter, and pushed through them all.

They screamed millions of questions snapping pictures. We got to the car, an harry unlocked the door walking me to the passenger’s side and helping me in, closing the door, locking it and then walking to his side. He unlocked it, and got in. He quickly locked the doors again. I loved when he went into protective mode.

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