Chapter Four

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I don’t remember the moments after harry responded to me like that. I believe I went into shock. The next thing I know I am laying in a bed. I open my eyes, and stare at the ceiling. It seems familiar, and I begin to look around. I realize it’s my room, and I can hear voices in the kitchen. I get out of bed, and walk into the living room. All the boys are here except Harry, and then I remember what had happened before I apparently blacked out and ended up here. My mind begins to race, and the room spins, then I begin to sob and the boys hear me. They all get up and run over to me in the hallway.

“Briana, babe! What’s wrong?” Zayn asks.

They all embrace me for a group hug, and somehow I am able to choke out,

“Harry.. he doesn’t remember me..”

The boys all step back and look at me puzzled. Then I begin to feel embarrassed.

“What are you talking about?” Louis asks.

“The hospital earlier today… Anne told me he had temporary Amnesia, and he remembered everything except the night he got hurt, and… me. Why are you all acting like nothing is wrong, I am so hurt an-“ Niall quickly cuts me off.

“Briana, you must’ve dreamt that all up. We have been staying here with you since you came home the day after harry got hurt. Anne told you she was sure everything would be okay, and to go home to get ready for class. Anne told us to come stay here, and look after you. When we got here you had fallen asleep, so we just let you be. You’ve been asleep since yesterday afternoon.”

I am so confused… I was dreaming? More like that horrible nightmare isn’t real! I am overcome with joy, and fear, and uncertainty all at once.

“So what did happen?” I ask Liam.

“Well, after Anne sent you home, Harry did have lots of tests run. The test all came back positive, and he woke up. He does have a fractured rib, and a broken arm, but he is fine, and He is coming home tonight.”

I feel as if the whole world has been lifted off my shoulders. I am smiling now, from ear to ear. Words cannot explain how happy I am. My boyfriend knows who I am. He is fine, and he will be going home tonight. This almost feels surreal.

“Oh my god. I am so relieved. Can I see him now, before he goes home?”

“Well, we have been waiting for you to wake up to tell you that Harry asked his mom to bring his things here, he wants to stay with you, and I don’t mind at all. I don’t want to be alone in an apartment with a hurt, whiney Harry, he’s all yours.” Louis says

“Hahaha! Okay, Louis. No problem, I hope you don’t mind me stealing my own boyfriend away for a couple of weeks.”

I am so happy. I get to live with Harry for weeks. He will be all mine. And he remembers me. I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am, and then I feel a pain in my rib… I wince a bit, but I quickly ignore it. I am too happy for a small pain to bother me.

“Well how about Zayn makes us some lunch, and we can watch some TV. Harry won’t be here until Six O’clock.” Niall says.

“Oh, sure! Thanks for volunteering me, Niall. But I don’t mind, How about some egg salad sandwiches?” Asks Zayn.

“Sure! Yeah! Yum!” The boys all chime in.

“Boys, I’ll be right back, I am going to go change.” I say.

“okay!” they all simultaneously yell.

I went into my closet and grabbed a pair of Jack Wills sweats, and a tank top. As I pull my sweats up and tie them around my waist, I notice they are a bit snug, and the pain in my side won’t go away. I ignore it again, and go to my bathroom to wash up.

As I am brushing my teeth I can smell boiled eggs being chopped up, and I cannot take the smell. I throw myself over my toilet, and I throw up nothing but water and tooth paste. I begin to realize I have not eaten since the afternoon before Harry got hurt. It has been almost three days. After I throw up all that could possibly come out, I get up, rinse my mouth out, wash my face off, and walk into the kitchen.

I sit on barstool at the kitchen counter as Zayn slides a plate in front of me.

“Here you go sweetie, you should probably eat, anyth-“ Zayn starts to say but I quickly rush back to the bathroom and my body tries to throw up, but I can’t. I have nothing left. Liam was knocking on the door.

“Briana, are you okay? Babe… open the door..” He said

“Uhhh yeah I’m fine. I think I maybe dehydrated, can you bring me a bottle of water please?” I quickly asked so he would walk away from the door. I didn’t want anyone to hear these awful noises coming from my body.

“Sure, How about you come out when you’re erm.. done?” he asked.

“Yeah that’s fine. Thanks.” I said.

Finally, there was literally nothing but noises coming from my throat, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My normal tan skin was white as a sheet, my eyes had bags under them, and those bags had bags. My stomach was in so much pain, and that pain in my rib wouldn’t go away now. I was trying to think of what could be wrong. The flu? No. I didn’t have the chills or a fever. This couldn’t still be a hangover. That was two days ago, and this couldn’t be my grieving, Harry is fine. He is coming home. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t eaten in almost three days, or drunken any water, maybe I really am dehydrated. I finally sucked it up and walked into the living room.

“Hey Briana!” Louis said.

“Are you feeling okay?” Niall asked.

“Yeah. I know I look horrible, but I think I’m dehydrated.”

“Here babe, drink this.” Zayn said as he handed me a glass of water.

“Thanks, can you check my cabinet right there for a Tylenol?” I asked pointing to the cabinet above my fridge.

“Sure, oh look here they are.” Zayn said as he opened the bottle and handed me two pills.

“Thank you.”

“No problem, so are you excited in about two hours the love of your life will be here!”

“Words cannot explain how happy I am, I’m not excited, I am ecstatic! I feel really stupid though, I had that horrible nightmare, and I was almost positive it was real!”

“Oh Briana, Don’t be embarrassed. You were worried, so your brain made you think horrible things. Stuff like that happens to people all the time.” Niall said.

“Well, thank you guys for taking care of me.”

“No problem, you are one of our best friends!” Liam said happily.

I loved them so much, almost as much as I love Harry.

“Well Briana, I hope you don’t mind, But I have a date with Eleanor tonight, so I think I am going

to go home, and get ready.” Louis said.

“Oh no problem! All you boys can go home if you want! I’m fine! I am going to shower anyway, and Harry and Anne will probably be here in a bit.”

“okay, Because I miss Danielle like crazy!” Liam said.

“Awe! Liam! Go see her! I bet she misses you too!”

“Alright Niall, lets go home too.” Zayn said.

“Okay boys, I’ll probably see you soon. Love you!” I said walking them to the door.

“Alright, and I know you miss Harry but know rough sex with his broken arm!” Louis screamed playfully as he walked down the hall.

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