Chapter Five

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I loved the boys to death, but I wanted them to leave as soon as possible. I didn’t want them to see me looking the way I did, and I didn’t even know was wrong, and I wanted to get ready for Harry, and clean up, and make everything perfect. We have been discussing moving in for a while. It just never happened, and Harry said he didn’t want to leave Louis. So he just spent the night four out of the seven days of the week. Now we get to play house. I loved being in my apartment with Harry. He made me feel safe, and when he was with me, everything was perfect, nothing else mattered.

I went into the kitchen and cleaned up the boys mess. I didn’t mind that they didn’t clean up, they never do, and they don’t put anything in the right spot anyway. I got everything put away and went to get in the shower. As I got undressed I started staring at my side because of the pain I experienced in it earlier. My stomach looked sort of bigger. I felt really stupid. Throwing up, pain in my sides, tight clothes, either I was catching the flu or I was…

“Pregnant” I whispered to myself.

I started thinking about it, and I did the math. I hadn’t had a period in over a month. Then I realized that almost 6 weeks ago on the dot was the weekend Harry and I flew to LA together, and also the vacation he forget to bring protection. Instead of being smart, and letting him go buy some when he offered, I told him to forget it. What was I thinking?! Did I think I was special? That I couldn’t get pregnant! I feel so stupid! I wasn’t on the pill either. I had taken it before but I always forgot which only increased my chances, and Harry felt it was his job to keep both of us safe.

This could not have happened at a worse time. I mean, Harry doesn’t have brain damage or anything, but He does have a fractured rib and a broken arm, and I’m in school. Harry has his whole career ahead of him. I don’t want to be the person to hold back Harry, and the whole band. Our parents will kill us. We are so young. I just turned 18 and Harry 19. I am not really sure how Anne will react, but my dad isn’t even home. He is in Spain doing who knows what, and my mom is at home in the states with my little sisters. What would we even do? Would I quit school and work? I mean Harry is well off, but he puts it in savings, and I want that for him, when he needs it. I don’t want to depend on him. Would we move in together then? Would our parents talk to us? What about the upcoming tours? Oh god. Management already hates the fact that I let Harry talk to fans or I tell him to follow fans and reply to them on twitter. They are really going to hate me when they find out I am having his child. Oh god. They are going to get Harry. I May as well just leave, I am going to ruin Harry’s Life.

“Breath, Briana” I whisper to myself.

Then I think that this could all just be a big coincidence. I should grab a pregnancy test. Before he gets home. Okay. I can shower, get ready go to the store grab one, take it. Get rid of it and then move on from there.

I get in the shower, and I take deep breathes in and out. I step out of the shower, wrap a towel around my hair, another towel around my body, and I walk into my room and check the time. It’s four thirty. I see that I have some messages. I check my phone, it’s Harry.

“Hey Baby. I Miss you so much! I want you to know I love you with all my heart and we should just forget about the fight. I’m fine, although Mum is acting as If I lost my arm; it’s in a fancy blue cast. I will be to your place in about an hour. Can’t wait. Love you. Xoxo”

God, I really hope this is all a coincidence because we haven’t even discussed kids. Well I mean we have but we said when we are older living in a house, after the tours have ended, and we are both stable in careers. He sounds so happy, what would a baby do to that?

I text him back,

“Love you babe. See you then <3”

I put some underwear and a bra on, and then walk back into the bathroom. I let my hair out of my towel, and comb it out. It’s getting so long, and I really should cut and color it, but that should literally be the last thing on my mind. I put some mouse on my hands and quickly run it through my hair. I turn my blow dryer on, and flip my hair all around. My natural curls begin to form. I turn it off, and French braid my bangs back. I don’t even bother with makeup. I am too lazy, and harry won’t care. I go back into my room. I pick out some blue short-shorts. I slip them on over my hips, and button them. I let out a sigh of relief. They fit! I pick out a white racer back tank top, and then I change my bra to a black and grey striped bra, since it may slightly show through the tank. I slip on my dark grey toms, put some deodorant on, spray some perfume and then I go into the hallway. I grab my phone, my purse and put my sun glasses on. I lock the door behind me, and race to my car. I decide to run to the corner store, because as I drive along the road it looks like there is the least amount of people there. I grab my credit card out of my wallet, and rush in keeping my head down.

As I look at the isle, there are so many brands to choose from. I just grabbed the “Clear Blue” box since they have printed words. I walked to the checkout, and quickly pay and half walk half jog to my car. I notice some girls approaching my car with cameras, and I quickly pull out of the parking lot and drive home.

As I pull into my garage my phone rings. It’s another text from Harry,

“Hey Babe. Leaving the hospital now. Going to go home grab some stuff then be right over. See you in 45. Oh and mum is in mummy mode, she’s really worried, so be prepared. Xoxo”

I text back, “Okay, love.”

I run upstairs and quickly unlock my door. I throw everything on the hall table and race to the bathroom. I unbutton my pants and sit on the toilet. I read the instructions on the back of the box and coincidently I really have to pee. I do as the box instructs and set the stick on the aback of the toilet. I wash my hands, and read the box again. It says to wait four to five minutes. I quickly take the box into my room, open my closet, and stuff the box into an old purse where I know Harry would never look. I go into the kitchen grab a bottle of water and my phone, and lay on the couch. I get on twitter, and of course horrible fans writing horrible things.

“Did you all hear? Harry finally left Briana.”

“Harry Styles Reported Dead.”

“Harry styles, a Woman Beater?”

And then I see the picture. How did this already get posted!!? A picture of me at the corner store with the caption, “Someone’s gained a few lbs! Wonder if harry finally left her, and she comforted herself in food? LOL”

What a bitch. Ugh. Fans are the nicest people ever, except there are always a few who think being a bitch will get them followers, or get the boys to notice them. I am so irritated that I just get off twitter. I go into the bathroom, and I hesitate to grab the stick. I slowly walk into the bathroom, grab it, take a deep breath and look at the screen.

I see the word “Pregnant” on the screen. I literally fall to my knees. I can’t breathe and I feel like my chest is about to explode. Tears start to stream down my face. Then I remember harry will be here in about ten Minutes.

I get up, and wipe my face with a tissue. I do some deep breathing, and I blow my nose. I go to the kitchen and grab a plastic bag. I put the test in the bag and tie it up, and then I go to my room and put it in the same purse as the rest of the tests. I decide to look natural when Harry gets home. I go to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal I sit at the counter and begin to email my doctor.

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