Part Four

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The Return of Zim

Part Four

~Three Weeks later~

"I love piiiiggys, and I love waaaaaaffles, but not as much as I love-" Gir takes a deep breath, "YOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!" With this, he shakes his little body, trying to dance. Zim smiles, dipping the washcloth back into the polish, and gently takes his arm, cleaning the metal joints. After he had gotten all the dents out, he decided to go for the rust.

Now, Gir is almost perfectly restored, and his tiny body is completley shiny and new.

"Hold still, Gir! I'm trying to clean you!" Zim laughs out, and his anttenas move in glee. Devon stands behind them with a small smile on his face. He's not sure why, but the Irken is not as irritating as he once was. When Gir notices Devon, he jumps up and runs over to him, scrambling up his leg with slippery hands, leaving slimy and shiny tracks on his jeans. Devon smiles, and picks up the wriggling robot. He places him back into Zim's care, and turns to go, but not before hearing Gir screach out another verse of his little song. "You love meeeeeee, and me love yoooooou, but not as much as we love... SHOOOOOOOEES!!!" Devon lets a small laugh escape his lips, and goes into his room, changing into new skinny jeans.

Then, suddenly, I hear Zim calling out for Gir, and the pitter-patter of tiny metal feet. As Gir bounds into my room, jumping on the bed all the while screaming, I also hear a thud and a strange word that I'm pretty sure is Irken for "Fuck!"

"Gir, you're getting slime and muck everywhere!" I tried to scold him, but by now he had hold of his feet, and was rocking back and fZrth on my bed, humming. He shrugs, and that's when I feel a body slam into mine, knocking me to the ground. Immediately, I try to twist my body so that I can face my opponent, but my body just wont twist like that. So, now I'm stuck, under somebodie's body.

"Get off of me!" I scream, almost hyprrventalating at the memory those four word bring back. No. Not now, not when you're in trouble. Focus.

So I buck my body up.

Zim goes flying back, covered in slime and muck, and because of this, he slips again and falls, landing roughly on his ass. I crouch into a defensive position, baring my teeth. "Think you can just sneak up on me like that? Just use poor innocent Gir for your nefarious deeds?" He blinks, and his antennae move adamantly.

"What--? No! I slipped, Devon, I swear. Grease and Hardwood floors do NOT mix." As if to emphasize this, he rubs his very lower back by his butt. Not yet convinced, I stand up and grab his collar, pushing him against the wall roughly.

"If you ever- EVER -do that again, whether it be accident or not, I will beat the living hell out of you. Understood?" He gulps and nods slightly, his antennas ruffling and pressing agsint his head.

Then, from out of nowhere, Gir is there in between us, humming his stupid little song. He wraps his arms around our necks, squealing in glee. "I love you guys!" The, he looks in between our faces, only six inches apart. His hand snakes up my neck, into my hair, and I feel a sudden pressure on my head, pushing my head towards Zim.

"NOW KISS!" Gir screams, as our lips are brought together. My eyes widen, and I try to pull away, but Gir, by now, has his arms wrapped around our heads, with his hands hooked together. Zim blushes, and when he tries to shift to get away, our lips rub together. A shiver runs through my entire body -ENTIRE body- and I blush myself. Then, left with no other options, he shrugs and tries to smile, waiting for Gir to let go. I shiver again when his lips move, and I can almost see my reflection in his large red eyes.

"Oh Nuh-uh! You guys gotta KISS before I let go!" Sings Gir. Zims face contorts into a look of embarrassment, and he shrugs again as if to say "You wanna kiss or be stuck like this forever?"

That's when he closes his eyes and -skillfully- begins to kiss me.

I have to admit, this was one of the most surprising things to ever happen to me, right behind having lost my virginity to some giant burly Hall Guard named Niel. But the thing is, despite that, its my first kiss...

...And boy, was I missing out.

Maybe it was that he was so skilled, but soon, I started kissing back. I pushed him against the wall harder, and he grabs my shirt, pulling me close. Gir finally lets go, but neither of us do. Its like we both have been searching for some human contact, to-



Hes not Human.

Its that thought that is the cold water that hoses me down. I jerk back, and trip over my bed.

"Why... Why'd you stop?" He asks, short of breath. His eyes are misty and glassy with desire, and he starts to take a step forward, when I roll off the bed and grab the handcuffs.

"I-I stopped because... That was... WRONG! Wrong and sick!" I scream at him, yet he doesn't seem perturbed. As if he doesn't understand, I repeat, "That was wrong. Y-You... You're not human! I am! Don't you see the problem here?!" I spit, trying to get the taste out of my mouth, though my traitorous mind memorizes the taste of him.

"I don't know about you, but that was the best thing to happen to me in a while." He blurts out, then seems taken aback by his confession. His eyes turn downward, and it almost seems as though hes staring at his chest, trying to see his heart as It beats out of control- Which would put it in time with mine.

"Was... Was it really that bad?" He asks finally, and the pain in his voice makes me want to take him into my arms, and hold him, letting him hold me back and-

Stop it, Brain!

"It was disgusting." I spit out. He meets my eyes, and his are slightly misty. With a resigned nod, he turns and walks out of my room, slamming the door so hard it cracks. I wince at the sound, and notice that the door handle seems a bit melt, and the wood around it seems...


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