Part Eleven

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The Return of Zim

Part Eleven

(Zim's POV)

The morning after, I woke up to find myself still wrapped in his arms, our legs entwined, and his glasses cracked- again. He simply must stop sleeping with them on... I think to myself before slipping out of his embrace, watching as his face comforts for a moment.I lean down and kiss his forhead, and he looks as peaceful as ever.

Slipping on a large T-Shirt and a new pair of boxers, I clean up the room quietly, my cheeks flushing over as I pick up our boxers, discarded on the ground. I place them in the basket, and walk out of the room, hearing Gir humming from the kitchen.

"Gir, sh. Devon's still sleeping." He smiles and stops humming. He's jittery, and he starts dancing around, until my stomach growls. He grins wider and he launches himself at me.

"Dibbers loves you, and you loves Dibbers!  I'm happy! But, You're hungry..." His face comforts, and his eyes turn red, his voice changing. "Waffles are in order!" His eyes turn back to blue, and he jumps off of me, running back into the kitchen, making waffles.

I smile and shake my head, walking over to the window, standing in front of it, watching the sun beat down on the grass below.

Devon comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, smiling and laying his head on my shoulder.

" G' murnin'..." He whispers sleepily, and I turn my head, kissing his forehead.

"Good Morning, Devon..." His eyes are watching out the window, and his face twists for a moment, then he looks down.

"Zim, give me your hand." He whispers quietly, and I slowly reach out my hand, palm up. He takes my hand, placing something in it. Twisting his hand so he can close my fingers, he places a kiss on my cheek and turns to leave. I blink and slowly open my hand, seeing a black leather bracelet braided with blue stone beads. I furrow my eyebrow, and slip it on my wrist, noticing how the beads shimmer like his eyes. I smile and tilt my head.

"Zim." Devon whispers, and I turn around, getting a facefull of water.

I wait for the stinging, the burning, the smoke, and I think, I should've known! He made me trust me, and.... and... I cant feel anything.... I open my eyes, seeing his focused expression. When I don't start screaming, he smiles widley and hugs me tightly.

"It worked!" He exclaims, nearly suffocating me. My mind is still mulling over the fact that I'm covered in water, and I cant feel anything.

"What... What worked?" He pulls back, his eyes shining with joy. He grabs my wrist, the one with the bracelet, and holds it in his, smiling.

"The charm! You wont be affected by water anymore!" He looks like he wants to jump up and down, and the word "charm" nags at my brain.

"Charm? What kind of charm?" I ask suspiciously.

"I'm not sure the exact name, but it helps people with extreme allergies. My friend is an expert at making them, and she had a little trouble making one for someone allergic to water, but she did it! She really did! She was a bit confused about who would be allergic to water, but she came through!" With that, he presses his lips to mine, happy energy radiating from his lips into mine.

And I kiss back, too stunned by the water droplets dripping down my cheeks to respond. He pulls back and takes my hands, his eyes closing as he whisper, "Now you're safe... nothing can hurt you anymore..."

An; If only Dibbers knew.... MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU KNOW NOTHIIIIIIIING! By the way guys, don't be hugging and hate mailing KC, alright? I told her that if she got any hate mail to tell me, and Ill stop the series AND delete all the chapters. It was more of me not wanting to put smug out there on my account for the world to see.

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