Part Thirteen

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The Return of Zim

Part Thirteen

(Devon's POV)

When I wake up, I barely notice the faint buzzing surrounding my subconscious. Smiling as I read Zim's lilting script, "Be back soon, ~Zim," I head into the kitchen, nothing but a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

That's when things get weird.

Gir, sitting at the table, is completely... Off. Just like he ran out of energy, or batteries. I grab his small body, holding up the blanket with my armpits, and start messing around with his CPU, or Central Processing Unit. After doing everything I could, and failing at everything I tried, I didn't even find a plug in for charging. Confused, I tilt my head, so that my curly black hair falls out of my eyes.

I'll ask Zim when he gets back. Gently laying Gir's body on the table, I let the blanket drop to the floor, and go into my room. By now, the buzzing is starting to fill my ears, and it's getting hard to ignore. "God Damn, what is that?" I pull on a pair of boxers and some sweatpants, and go over to the window in the living room, looking out to see if, maybe, there's someone mowing or something.


By now, the buzzing sounds like a bee, directly in my earlobe.

What the fuck?!

Then, suddnely, a chill runs down my spine, and I know what I'm hearing. The wards surrounding my apartment, which have been dormant for so long, are warning me of an upcoming threat. Turning my head, I can see energy crackling around the door, and the buzzing is accompanied by cracking noises, and screams from below. My heart stops; My breathing stops. My mind just... Freezes.


Then, as sure and as swift as the wind, a terrible compulsion falls over me. I take a step forward, then another, and another, until my hand is on the doorknob and my mind is trying to catch up. How did I get here?

My hand turns the knob...

...And an Irken stands before me.

Green skin, tall slim body, and long anntenae. Dressed in long tarnished and half singed robes, zipper-like razor teeth, and large wide violet eyes. He smiles down at me, and Zim's words drift towards me, way back when he first showed up on my door step. "Purple Tallest used to... Discipline me. Nothing to worry about, I deserved it. A future Tallest should be able to stand straight, right?" Purple Tallest.


His lips curl up into a smile, and his eyes glow with malice. "Hello, earthling. I am Tallest Pur-" His voice is dimwitted, so much so that you would think him mentally impaired, if not for the glint of age and knowledge, endless knowledge in his large violet eyes. His antennae start shifting, and his eyes widen in an amused manner. "Oh..." He inquires with a noticeable squeak in his voice, "Oh my." His smile returns and he leans forward, hissing slightly. "Earthling, you are practically dripping with Zim's scent. Had any other human been accustomed to his scent, or had enough ability to even smell someone, you would be targeted as a Race Traitor." My heart slowly beats again, the words "Race Traitor" ringing in my ears.

"W-What do you mean?" His smile is evil and slightly amused, the way that an adult would look while watching two children play. He stands up, and shrugs.

"Oh well, I had hoped it would be easier, but this only complicates things slightly." His hand snakes out, around my throat, and I am lifted off of my feet, his claws digging into my throat. "I had hoped there would be no evidence of our existence, but... Hm." He sighs contentedly.

I rip at his hands with my nails, my breathing disabled. His hold is much too loose; he's looking to incapacitate me, not kill me. But that brings another thought to mind; Why?

The look in his eyes give me my answer.

He wants Zim to kill me. I don't think; I react. I choke out a Latin incantation that roughly translates to "Chalice of water" and cups my hands, making my eyes tear as I let go of his claw, making my body dangle. Then, when the wetness of the water is felt in my hands, I throw up my cupped hands, splashing the water all over his face.

He screaches, and uses his other hand to wipe it from his face, and I brace myself to drop. But, instead, his grip tightens, and my breathing cuts off almost completely. He brings my face closer to his, and the burning hatred in his violet eyes makes them more of a plum color as he hisses in pain.

"A vrăjitoare, huh? Ha! You are weak enough to have to use the incantation with that spell? I fought vrăjitoare in Russia, so powerful it would make your head spin!" Closer he leans, his ziper smile ripping across his face. "And I won." Just then, his antennae start shifting upon his head, and he turns his head to the side. I do as well, my neck being twisted in a way it should never be twisted. I hear it too, a loud pounding of steps. The door at the end of my hall flies open, and Zim stands there, his chest heaving and his eyes wild. He takes not a moment to assess the situation, and growls, launching forward with his claws extended.

Purple didnt even see it coming.

He moved so fast it was a blur, and Zim slammed into Purple with the same force as a freaight train. I slam against the door jamb, my head making an audible crack around us, and my stunmned body slumps to the floor. Some where, in my building, I hear the dull ding of the elevator, and a small chuckl escapes my lips, only to be swallowed by pain.

My whole body is on fire; my head feels like its being ripped apart. He must've pushed the elevator, and when it didnt get there fast enough, he used the stairs.

I manage to turn my head to face Zim, whos stradling purple as he slams his fist into him over and over and over again. I dont even have time to be scared at the raw power of it all, I'm too out of it.

"HOW-" punch "DARE-" punch "YOU!? HES MINE!" Zimz voices is hissing like a snakes, and Purple can barely move. Zim's claws strike out, ripping through Purples eye, who screams in pain and growls, squeezing his eye shut as blood gushes round his eyelids. Zim leans closer, and the shadows start to get thicker. I just barely hear Zim's whisper.

"Hes mine, and hes the one thing youll never take from me." With this, he litterally punches throughs Purples abdomen, and jerks up, ripping out his spine.

And the shadows finally envelop me.

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