Part Five

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The Return of Zim

Part Five

For the past week, things between me and Zim have been.... tense. And Awkward. And Silent. And, frankly, boring.

I think our bad moods are getting to Gir, as well... Just the other day, after 6 days of not a single word spoke, I whispered, "Zim, pass the salt." (I had made waffles and eggs for Gir; he still hadn't touched them.)

Gir threw his hands up and exclaimed, "Why, Look at that!! You CAN talk!" He then proceeds to jump up from the table and stomp away. I don't look at him, and I don't ask for the salt again.

And I keep notice Zim giving me... looks. He thinks that I don't notice, but I always catch him staring at me. Every once and a while, I'll meet his eyes, and see confusion and pain and longing. But every time I look at him, he looks away. And every time I look at him... my lips tingle. Which makes me blush. Then he blushes, seeing my blush, and its goes on and on.

Finally, 8 days after that damned kiss, I finally decide that I miss him. Well, I miss his company.

"Hey, um, Zim?" Standing in the doorway by the kitchen, I clear my throat, glancing around nervously.

"Yes, Devon?" His eyes are filled with emotion, but his voice is completely monotone. I clear my throat again.

"I have to go to the store... You... You want to come with me?" I watch as his face lights up, then falls again, as his eyes darken to burgundy and his antenna shift and lay flatter against his head.

"You want me to come? I'm not too disgusting to go shopping? Afraid I might start putting some "Alien Voo-Doo" on the fruit?" I wince, but set my jaw.

"Truth be told, I don't trust you enough to stay here by yourself!" I shout, and he flinches. Sighing, I run a hand through my long black hair. "Look, you coming or not?" He stands up, almost robotically, and shrugs, brushing past me to get ready.


"D-Devon?" Zim taps my shoulder and whispers in the middle of the check out line. I turn to face him, and he's staring at the windows. I look over, and...

"Shit..." The windows are covered in sheets of water as they pour from above, and its completely dark out. Glancing at the clock by the cashier, I realize we only have 10 minute before curfew at my apartments, and I swear again. Grabbing the bags, I look back at him and whisper, so as not to raise suspicion, "If we go really fast, we can minimize damage. Here," I shrug off my coat and hand it to him, "Put that over your head and hurry up." He nods and follows my instructions, and we set off.

But, as we soon find out, the rain is coming from all directions. I look back, about half a mile form my apartment, and sees Zim, drenched and biting his lip so hard that its bleeding. His shoulders are hunched in a permanent wince, and his eyes are glazed over in pain. I swear and pull him faster, grabbing ahold of his waist to keep him going. He freezes, and no matter how much I push and pull he wont move.

"Would you stop and GO?!" I scream at him, pushing him harder. He turns to look at me, and his eyes are filled with pain, but not just physical pain. HIs skin has started to smoke, and when I throw down my bags and picks him up by the waist, and tries to push me away. He falls, straight into a puddle.

"No! YOU stop it! Why do you act like you care when you don't?! That kiss was perfect, and you- you don't even care! Just let me BURN!" He screams, curling into a ball, crying. I bend down, kneeling next to him and can feel my own tears.

"Zim. Zim! Look at me!" I grab his shoulders, and he smacks my hands away, scrambling back. By now, the smoke is rolling off in waves.

"Don't touch me! I-I disgusting! You said it yourself! You hate me, don't you? I'd rather die than live with you! ONE! MORE! DAY!" I launch at him, grabbing his shaking body. He begins to fight, but I hold him closer, carrying him to the apartments, leaving the bags behind.

I get inside, and press the button to the elevator multiple times, setting him down. As soon as the elevator opens, I shove him in, hitting the button for my floor.

Pushing open the door, I shove him into my apartment, and lock the door.

"Go into the bathroom, and undress. I'll bring you dry clothes, and a towel. Go!" He stumbles into the bathroom, and I bring him 2 towels, and a fresh change of clothes. When he takes them, I go back into my room, and lock the door. Pressing my forehead against the door, I let the tears fall.

The Return of ZimOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz