Part Two (Reboot)

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The Return of Zim

Part Two

(Devon's P.O.V.)

I have my highs and my lows. 

Tonight, unfortunatley, was one of the latter. It all started when one of the normal Sanitarium-Sponsored comercials came on the television. It showed the inside of several of the nicer rooms, as well as my old room there and Shady Oaks. 

Thats all it took. A flash of my past, of that room, and everything flashes back to me. The hulking monster of a man, his cold, emotionless dishwater-brown eyes, the screaming, the pain... It was all too much. I litterally threw my remote at the television screne, cracking it and making it stutter out. Trying to drown out the voices of my Demon's past, I grab a record at random, shoving the CD into the stereo and turning it up as loud as it would go, thankful for the thick walls. 

I didnt hear the first set of knocks, or maybe I did. I hear many things. But I know I heard the second set. Jumping up, I fumble with the stereo, turning down the sounds of Sarcasm by Get Scared, and shuffle over to the door, wretching it open. There in front of me stood a green man, with large grey eyes, a flop of black hair, and unusualy well built body. No, stop that brain.

"What do you want?" I growl out, and i notice how the man seems to be assessing me as well. 

"D-Dib?" He whispers, his face going slack in shock. Memories flood my vidion once more, and I remember Gaz, now since gone, calling me that. Man, its been forever.

"Dib... Heh, the last person who called me that was..." I blink, shaking off the memory, as well as the pain that came from it, "Nevermind. Thats not my name anymore. Its Devon. And, may I ask, who in Holy Hades, are you?" I glare at him, watching him swallow.

"D-Devon? Oh, uh, ok... Its... Its Zim." I try not to react, thats all these guys want is a reaction. But I cant, and panic shoots through me. I grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him towards me.

"Who the hell are you? Really?" I growl, and he gasps. 

"Zim! Its really Zim!" I pull him into my apartment, seeing some of the more nosy neighbors coming out to see whats happening. I tunr to see him gripping the wall for balance, and my anger explodes.

"Look, ok? Its not funny anymore. Im done with all this stupid bullshit! Im done with all the stupid pranks! Zim's not real, alright? I know that!" I glare at him, pausing to gauge his reaction, to see the guilty flicker in his eyes, but his eyes are scarily emotionless. "Who paid you?" 

He blinks, "Huh?"

"Who Paid You?" I snap, about damn ready to rip my hair out, when he reaches up and pulls the wig off, revealing two long, slender antenneas. 

"No one paid me, Di- Devon. Its Zim. For Real." My eyes widen, and my hands curl around his collar much more roughly. I can feel the tears burning the back of my eyes, but they dont escape. Instead, I whisper in a broken voice, "Thats impossible." My voice radiates the fear that has settled into my gut, because I am scared. Im terrifyed. 

He cant be here, hes not real.

Have I finally lost it? Am I seeing things? Will I have to get my doctor to up my meds? 

"No, Dib, its-" I snap. Hearing the name Dib, breaks me evenr more. Like my arms are rubber bands that have been too tightly wound, I slam him against the wall.

"Its DEVON!" I scream, watching his eyes lull towards the back of his head, and feeling his body go limp in my arms. I stand there, the anger boiling in my stomach, unable to move until I fall to my knees, still gripping his shirt. Its about then that I notice the small robot clutched in his hands, and I start to cry, finally allowing myself to realize that, Hey!, this isnt a joke. Not feeling like leaving an unconcious man- Alien, Irken, Whatever- laying on my floor, I stand up, and begin the very hard job of dragging him into my room and onto my bed. After Im satisfied he wont fall off, I sit heavily on the other side, gripping my head in my hands, and Thinking.

Is there really an alien in my bed right now? Is the first thought. I go to reach out, but pull back at the last second. If. I can imagine slamming him against the wall I can imagine him feeling solid when I touch him. I do, however, reach out and gently take Gir from his hands, wondering why the robot isn't screaming in glee as per usual.As soon as Gir is out of Zims hands, he starts to stir, a bruise forming on his head. He turns with a groan to stare at me, and I see the terror in his eyes. That's a first, I think, usually he pulls the dominance card on me.

"Hey." I mutter, and he nods, his eyes shining slightly red behind his contacts. I can see how the fear downs itself a little, only to be replaced with anger as he sees Gir in my hands. He sits bolt upright and rips the robot from my grasp.

"What are you doing?! Do not touch Gir! Don't ever touch him again!" He shouts, trying to scramble back, clutching the lifeless robot in his arms.

"I was trying to see why he wasnt as annoying as he usually is!" I shout back, my back straightening and my fists curling into themselves. He scrambles back more, and falls off the bed with a yelp. His P.A.K. opens up, spilling its contents everywhere. Inside, there was a small sheet of laminated paper, an old pair of hand cuffs, and a stuffed moose.

"Jesus, are you alright?" I jump up, running over to help. He glares up at me and takes his contacts out, standing up.

"I am fine, Earth Worm." He sounds on the verge of tears, so when I reach out and touch his bruise, he flinches away, dropping Gir and yelping in pain.

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