Part Ten

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The Return of Zim

Part Ten

(Devon's POV)

When I wake up, my back is stiff and my legs are asleep. I look down at Zim, who's trembling and freezing in my arms, in nothing but boxers. Swearing mentally, I carry him bridal style to the room, throwing a blanket over him and turning on the space heater. I return to the bed, standing beside it as I slip off my shirt and jeans, sliding in next to his cold skin. I wrap my arms around him, and his body shifts, turning so that we're chest to chest, with his face burried in my shoulder. I pull him closer, shrugging so the blanket rides up a bit more to cover us.

As I'm laying there, I can feel his heart beating, as well as all the burns and scars on his stomach. I swear, and jump up, unable to sit there whole hes probably suffering. Going over to my bookshelf, I kneel down, biting my lip and hovering my hand over one of the unmarked leather bound books. Go ahead, you know that's the one you want. But... I quit using magic a long time ago. I had since moved on from relying on wards and smudge sticks to protect me. My eyes shift and I glance at Zim, curled up on the bed. He pulls the blanket closer, and I know what that blanket hides.

I know what his burn look and feel like, and its then that I decide; I cant not help him.

I grab the book.


When the soothing and healing cream had been made, I take the small bowl into the room, my cheeks flushed from the elated feelings Magic Use always brings me. I gently slip the blanket away from his torso, and uses my fingers to spread the milky-colored substance over his burns. Almost immediately,  they start to dissapear into nothing, and he shivers at the coldness of the stuff.

Working silently, I carefully make my way down his stomach, healing all of his burns, and lessening his angry scars to... pissed off scars. When I start to rub the salve into one of his burns, down by the top of his boxers, I feel a hand close around mine. I stop, looking up at Zim.

"You're awake." Is all I say. His eyes are glassy with sleep, and he lets go of my hand, suddenly not feeling the pain that has plagued his body. I continue to rub in the salve, and he shudders, sitting up right and pushing my hand away.

"W-What are you doing? What is that?" He asks, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Burn salve." The half truth rolls off my tongue. Maybe its because he knows me, maybe because hes closer than anyone else, but he knows I'm not telling the entire truth. I know it as well as I know just how close his body is.

"Some burn salve... They're all gone." He whispers reverently and hesitantly, looking starlight at me to judge my reaction.

"C-Clinical strength." I whisper back, rubbing the salve along his upper thighs. His hand snakes out, grabbing both of Mt wrists, making me drop the bowl.

"Then why doesn't it have a label, Devon?" He asks, meeting my eyes. I swallow, and I shrug, shakily. He leans forward to look me straight in the eyes, as though the closer he gets, the more he can discover. Its then that I realize hes so close, and our bodies are practically pressed together.

"Z-Zim..." I whisper, and the broken note in my voice clearly conveys Please don't ask anything else... You wont like the answer. His eyes soften, and his mouth slips against mine, making an electric jolt run through my body as he kisses me. We both close our eyes, I know, and he pulls me down on top of him. Our bodies, pressed together with nothing but our boxers inbetween us, radiate heat to eachother.

"Devon..." He whispers against my lips, and his hand trails down my hips. My hand strays to his antennae, and I pull back to look at him.I see the lsut in his eyes, and there's no doubt in my mind that hes holding back. His eyes shine like two rubies, bright and beautiful and large, and I feel myself falling.. Falling into them...

Falling in love with their owner.

"Devon, I... I lo..." He struggles with the words, but I smile and lean closer to him, whisper as our lips brush together lightly, "I know. I love you too." With this, his hands take hold of my boxers, and both of our garments are quickly discarded. (You guys are gonna hate me...)

After words, we lay against eachother, entwined in eachothers limbs. I think, This was what sex should really be like... Between two people who love eachother. This thought fills my mind, and as I fall asleep, The single word; Love, replays in my head.

"I love you Devon..." Zims hushed and sleepy voice whispers into my chest, and I find myself smiling. He must be exhausted... But he wasn't the one on top.

"I love you Zim." With this, I fall into a deep sleep, the one word bouncing around. Love.

Always Love.


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