Chapter 5 : Back To Konoha

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We have been called by the Kazekage... Naruto, I and Team 7 have arrived.

The Kazekage spoke "Naruto, Maaza ad Team 7 you are going on Holiday to..."

Akari screamed and spoke " WHERE!!! WHERE!!!" Fangirls.....eww...

Gaara POV:

I spoke "Akari, You, Yuki, Hayato and your two sensei will be going to Konoha." I saw Naruto flinched by hearing that word.....

"Okay you all will be going to K- i mean that" Naruto is not going to like this but i don't have a choice.....Lady Tsunade....she came in my dream...told me to send him to Konoha....or else she would beat me into a pulp...


Naruto POV:

Well we arrived to Konoha...this wretched place....again.....I see a glimpse of a pinkette....Huh..Sakura....i hate her even the slightest glimpse of her hair or....voice.

Sakura slapped me and spoke "Naruto How DARE YOU COME BACK!!!" Every villager noticed me and looked at me. All those whispers until Yuki spoke " HEY!!! DON'T TOUCH MY SENSEI!!!" Hayato made a hundred of shadow clones while Akari grabbed her Kunai and laid it on Sakura's throat. Maaza simply made a Rasengan in his hand holding it until i gave the order.... I spoke "Hayato and Akari stop this kind of childish behaviour and Maaza i know it your my guard but no stop this nonsense." Everybody calmed down. Sakura spoke with venom "Oh...the demon has become a sensei.." Maaza just growled and my students were letting out a lot of KI.

Kiba ran over to me and Sakura and grabbed her and said to me harshly "Don't you dare lay a finger on her you murderer!!!!" I spoke sadly "K-Kiba.... Y-You t-t-too..." Kiba spoke again "I always trusted you and you killed Lady Tsunade." Maaza spoke "Dog breath shut up..." Kiba spoke "A kid is going to hurt me...." Maaza spoke "Heh....RASENSHURIKEN!!!" And hit Kiba...Oh no. Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Sai and Sasuke came over and protected Sakura and Kiba. Lee spoke "NARUTO HOW DARE YOU!!!" 

Kurama spoke "Kit, Let me speak..." I let Kurama speak and I spoke in A demonic voice "I don't care about you all anymore not even this pathetic village but this place is important as my parents lived here...and My Baa-chan, Jiji and Jiraiya were living here too, and for your information i am here for  Holiday by the Kazekage..." They were frightened...a lot... They left and everybody went back to their work.

Ha!! Not a scare can't do!!!! Right Kurama!!! Kurama said " YEAH!!! Look at the face of Choji as if he saw thing he couldn't eat and Shikamaru maybe was finally awake!!!!" Yuki spoke "Sensei, Why do they treat you badly?" Akari said "And why are you called demon!" I explained them anything and then Hayato angrily spoke "SENSEI!!! I will kill them!!! How dare they think you could kill your godmother!!!" 

Maaza spoke "Calm down, i am furious with them so Kami already told me about Naruto and we should get some rest and Yuki your in charge. Me and Naruto will spoke to Lord Hokage." The children spoke " HAI!!"

~~~Hokage OFFICE~~~~

Kakashi POV:

"Lord Hokage two males have been sent by Lord Kazekage to meet you!!!" I nodded and when i saw the two males.... One was a kid and another was....Naruto. I spoke "Naruto!! I told you are banished and your here with a request from the Kazekage to live here!!" Naruto spoke harshly "Shut up!!! You don't deserve to be a HOKAGE!!! And you know I AM NOT HERE TO STAY IN THIS FILTHY PLACE CALLED A VILLAGE!!!" He shouted and it could be heard in the whole village.... I spoke angrily "You will be punished for this!!!" Naruto laughed and said in a demonic voice "I AM NOT YOUR LAP DOG." I gulped.

The Kid spoke "Hi I am Maaza...i have been sent by Kami to protect Naruto." I couldn't hold in my laugh and said "*laughs* A *laughs* Kid is the *Laugh* Protector of *laugh* Kyuubi's vessel." He was serious and He spoke again "We are here as the Kazekage has sent us for vacation with our team." I raised my eyebrow and spoke firmly "A Team?" Naruto spoke " Three Kids." I said "Number of the team and names?" Naruto said "Team 7...." Team 7....Sigh....Naruto spoke the names and Maaza and Naruto left... 

Let me see the data of the kids again:

Name: Hayato Uchiha.

Rank : Genin

D-ranks: 50

C-ranks: 2

B-ranks: 25

A-ranks: 150


Name: Akari Uchiha

Rank: Genin

D-ranks:  51 ( Naruto or sometimes Maaza takes them in different missions singly or all)

C-ranks: 25

B-ranks: 0

A-ranks: 15 


Name: Yuki Hyuuga

Rank: Genin

D-ranks: 15

C-ranks : 45

B-ranks: 2

A-ranks: 199



Once again, it's a long chapter....YAY!!!

Bye, Maaza

Word Count: 788

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