Alternate Ending 1 (Non-canon)

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Note very important: Thank you all for your love and support. Major thanks to wattpad for accomplishing the dream of being an author. I write stories but here i write fan fictions. Without all you readers i wouldn't have the capacity to continue on. Thank you once again, continue to read. Ja ne.

Maaza POV:

*smirks* Naruto followed his true dream, he protected Konoha and did everything he could. Saving everybody. But he would never come back to Konoha. He decided to become the Kazekage. Gaara handed over willingly to the hat of the sand to Naruto but...He decided to  become the kazekage together. The Sixth and fifth both rulers of Suna to make it the best.


Kakashi sighed as Konoha was building up itself slowly. Naruto declined to become the seventh. Damn it he had to do more paperwork.


Kakashi approached Naruto slowly and spoke " Naruto, I ask you that would you become the Nandaime." Naruto lips opened but nothing passed through it. Maaza and his team stumbled. They screamed 'DON'T DO IT!!!!'. Naruto sighed and said " Hatake-san I decline the offer. Do you think I would become the hokage after being neglected, tortured and scammed from shops. Sold rotten and expired food. Over my dead body i would become this wretched village's kage." Kakashi was shocked and took a step back. This wasn't the Naruto he knew.

His team cheered for joy Naruto wasn't going with Konoha. Naruto chuckled and grabbed them leaving Konoha forever....


He had to leave the ceremony for the sixth kazekage. He had kamui now so he transported himself and his secretary, next in line hokage, Sasuke Uchiha. 

They arrived in Suna to meet the new kazekage. Gaara proclaimed " Suna, Today i proclaim that from now on you will have a new kazekage. The one who defeated Kaguya, Madara, Obito and other great foes. Saving this world. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the son of the Yondaime and Red Hot Habanero, jinchuriki of the nine tails, the reincarnation of Asura and the Sage of Six Paths himself is your Rokudaime Kazekage!!!!" Everybody cheered at this. 

Naruto walked up on stage and spoke " As your Rokudaime, i would like the Godaime and me be both kages at the same time." Everybody once again cheered. Gaara was shocked by the statement.

Naruto said " I declare Akari Uchiha as chunin, Hayato Uchiha as low jonin  and Yuki as Low ANBU but they will stick together as Suna's Team 7. I am appointing Temari Sabaku as their sensei." Akari cheered for her team leaving her fan girl persona once and for all. She didn't care she was chunin but was happy for their upgraded ranks.

Naruto coughed and spoke " Also, special announcement, I welcome all Suna citizens and ninjas to my marriage with my love, Temari Sabaku." Everybody cheered and exclaimed loudly. Kankuro blasting fireworks in the air, Gaara smiling and Temari blushing.......


So, the wedding day arrives. Everybody smiling and cheering toasts to each other for Naruto. Signs over the place tellling 'Konoha not wanted in the WEDDING.' Well, let's say that Konoha has a lot of hard work to built it back its prestige and everything else without the help of a certain blonde.

The wedding groom and Bride arrives. 

I speak " Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Do, you take Temari Sabaku as your beloved wedded wife?"

Naruto spoke " I do."

I spoke once again " Temari Sabaku. Do, you take Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze as your beloved wedded husband?"

She spoke " I do..."

"You may now kiss the bride." I said. Naruto kissing Temari tightly.

I left the wedding silently, not wanting Naruto i will leave. Such a sad life, to leave the dearest friend of mine. Well, then Bye, Earth. Here i come Hagoromo sensei...............


Thanks for reading but wait. There will be another Alternate Ending, a bad ending. Don't take this as canon of the story. I will not be make a spin off with this plot. Okay, as well as with the bad ending. The canon is the 'The End' Chapter....

Insectivemaaza, Ja ne.

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