Chapter 7 : Friends V.S. 'Friends'

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No One POV:

Everybody was ready in combat position expect Naruto who was trying to calm everybody down.

Sakura VS Ino:

Ino spoke "Sakura...stop this nonsense!!!" Sakura spoke angrily " NOT AT ALL YOU PIG!!!!" They charged at each other...and missed.... Sakura used Cherry Blossom impact.. and Ino used Chakra hair trap and both hit each other and....Sakura damaged ino's hair while Sakura's arm was twisted.....

Maaza VS Kiba:

Kiba spoke "AKAMARU GET HIM!!!" Maaza spoke "OZ GET AKAMRU!!!" Oz and Akamaru bit each other and tried to fight but instead started to play. Kiba spoke "SHADOW CLONE NO JUTSU!!!" 20 shadow clones appeared...Maaza spoke " RASENGAN CLONE NO JUTSU!!" (Fake jutsu made by me) 20 rasengan fell upon the 20 clones. Maaza used a chidori while Kiba used a rasengan and they were about to hit but Akamaru and Oz pretended to be hurt and the two owners went to take care of them.

Konohamaru VS Lee:

Lee used Strong fist (Real jutsu) And was about to punch Konohamaru but Konohamaru used fireball jutsu and burnt Lee. Lee spoke on the ground "So....U-UNYOUTHFUL!!!" Lee fainted.

Neji VS Shikamaru:

Shikamaru spoke "So Troublesome.." Neji activated Byakugan . Shikamaru disappeared into the shadows and then Neji deflected his punch from behind. Shikamaru used Human Bullet YO-YO but it was deflected by Neji's Gentle fist...And then the same attack used by Shikamaru fell upon him.

Yuki VS Choji:

Choji grumbled and spoke "I don't fight kids.." Yuki angrily spoke " Are you too scared fatty." Choji got mad and used Ballistic waterwheel and charged at Yuki but Yuki used Great fist (Fake) and made Choji fly away into the sky.

Hinata VS Akamru:

Akamaru came back and growled at Hinata and charged at her to bite her but...then Hinata tickled him, rubbed his belly and scratched his head. And Akamaru fell prey to Hinata's kindness. From a distance Kiba facepalmed himself.

Hayato VS TenTen:

TenTen got out her Giant axe.....Hayato gulped and used....SUSANO!!!! Yes, SUSANO!!! He used and crush TenTen's axe into pieces and slammed TenTen down to the ground.

Akari VS Shino:

Shino used Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique, Akari couldn't do anything she was terrified by bugs.....Shino complained " THEY ARE INSECTS THEY AREN'T BUGS!!!" Yuki came over and used RasenShuriken and defeated Shino. Maybe it should be called "Yuki VS Shino".


Everybody were going to fight again but Naruto went into sage mode and used a giant rasengan in the middle to stop them and spoke " STOP!!! Your acting like children!!!"

He said " You all were my fake stop interfering in my life...and you guys are my friends but...but...don't harm others who hate me..." Everybody just left except Naruto's real friends. 

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