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?: idk, wbu?

I kept the conversation going.

Justin: ha why did you call me?

?: dare..

Justin: oh got it

?: are you a girl or a boy?

Justin: secret

?: well okay then

Justin: what should I call you?

?: call me daddy.

Justin: wow well okay sure

?: just call me Mr. Avocado Man

Justin: I'll stick with daddy.

?: well how old are you?

Justin: I'm 17..

?: so am I, where do u live?

Justin: Minnesota..

?: that's where I live too..

Justin: cool, i need to get to sleep.

?: it's only 9

Justin: well I have school tomorrow

?: so do I, but I usually don't sleep till like 12

Justin: well I'm tired, night

?: wait, what do I call you?

Justin: call me jay..

?: okay, night

I shut my phone off and fell right asleep.

I woke up to my phone going off. Bri was calling me. I answered and put her on speaker.

Justin: I'm up, I have a story to tell you
Justin: so the random number that called me last night..
Justin: I got to know them, and they live in Minnesota and they are 17 and I think they go to our school.
Bri: did they tell you who they are?
Justin: no, they are complete strangers.
Bri: true, but get ready.
Justin: I will I will.
Bri hung up and I groaned. I got up and went to my closet. I was looking around for some clothes when I saw a razor blade sitting on the ground, stained with blood. I picked it up and sighed. I walked into my bathroom and set it on the counter. Then in flooded the flashbacks. I walked out of the bathroom trying to forget about it, but I couldn't. I broke down crying to where somebody outside the house could hear. My door opened and I saw Riley. Riley is my little sister, she is 11. She came and sat down next to me.

Riley: justin?
I sat my head up and looked at her.
Riley: what's wrong?
Justin: it's nothing, just go..
Riley: okay fine, love you
Justin: I love you too sis

Riley walked out of my room and shut the door. I got dressed and grabbed my bag. I walked to school since I couldn't find my keys. I walked inside the school and to my locker. I put my stuff up and grabbed my phone. I put it in my pocket and shut my locker. I saw Raegan again and he saw me. I walked to class ignoring him, even though we had all the same classes together. I sat in the back as usual. I grabbed my phone and texted the guy.

Justin: hi I'm bored.

?: so am i. Wyd?

Justin: sitting in class

?: ha so am I

Justin: school is such a bitch

?: I know.

I heard a bunch of laughter coming from the front of the class and saw some kids being crazy. Then Raegan caught my eye. He was on his phone to, typing.

?: what school do you go to?

Justin: I would rather not say

?: well are you a boy or a girl!

Justin: I don't wanna say.

?: why not?

Justin: you probably would hate me

?: I wouldn't.

Justin: you would.

?: I'm guessing you are a guy.

Justin: yeah..

?: that's okay.

Justin: and you're a boy?

I looked back at Raegan and he was typing, so was the kid.

?: yep

Justin: no. No. I think I know you

?: what?

Justin: Raegan?

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now