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*a bit later*

Raegan and I lay under the covers, still completely naked, as Raegan was fast asleep. I had woke up to the kids running upstairs, but it didn't bother me. Raegan snored lightly in my ear which made me smile. Hanging out with Raegan was amazing. I'm glad riley wasn't here to ruin the fun. Staring at the ceiling, just thinking about this night , I fell asleep.

I woke up to a gentle kiss on my neck which I knew was Raegan by his smooth lips.

Raegan: good morning baby boy, how'd you sleep?

Justin: I slept good

Raegan: have any dreams?

Justin: no, but my dream came true last night

Raegan: ooh okay justin so that's how you wanna play

Justin: (giggles) we gotta get to school

Raegan: how about you put on some clothes so I don't have the urge again

Justin: no I'll just go to school naked, of course I'll put clothes on you ding dong

We slipped out of bed putting on our clothes. I had to wear Raegan's clothes so nobody would be suspicious why I'm wearing the same outfit. Raegan told me that his parents left early in the morning for work so he had to take Olivia and Alex to school. We walked downstairs and saw the kids eating breakfast.

Alex: Raegan, why is he still here?

Raegan: he spent the night last night

Olivia: I thought mom said no sleepover's on school nights

Raegan: she did, don't tell mom okay?

Both: okay!

Raegan: finish up

The kids finished up and we got out to the car. Raegan was driving, I was in the passenger seat, Olivia was sitting behind me, and Alex was sitting behind Raegan. The kids stayed quiet for the majority except for when Alex pointed out something.

Alex: I spy with my little eye, a dark purple hickey on Justin's neck.

Raegan: (laughs) oh my god Alex stop!

Olivia: why did you say that?!?

I giggled quietly while looking back at Alex.

Alex: i don't know, but who is the lucky girl?

Raegan: Alex he doesn't like girls

Alex: oh, sorry

Justin: no you're fine

Alex: then who is the lucky guy?

Justin: you don't know him, but he is really cute and sweet and, kinky (looking at Raegan)

Olivia: what's his name!

Justin: you see I call him daddy.

Both: (laughs) really?

Justin: yeah really.

We pulled up to their school and got out. They hopped out waving goodbye, and we drove off.

We got to our school and walked in. We both got to our own lockers and put our stuff away. I got to class before Raegan so I just took out the homework and texted Bri.

Justin: hey Bri, so Raegan and I are dating now, but it's a secret, can I trust you to keep it?

Bri: of course, also I saw you in the hallway, and the hickey on your neck explains it all

Justin: Raegan is guilty

Bri: did riley find out?

Justin: no it happened at Raegan's house, and we got to take his twin siblings to school and Alex noticed and we were just dying in there

Bri: well, everyone saw you two walk in together, and a lot of people took pictures of you two, posting them everywhere, especially everything about the hickey..

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now