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I woke up to a knock at my door. It was late and Raegan was fast asleep. I didn't feel like getting up so I just stayed cuddled up with Raegan. My door opened slowly and I peeked my eye open. I saw my mom standing there  at the edge of the bed.

Mom: justin..

Justin: what

Mom: you hungry?

Justin: i am fine, let me sleep.

Mom: okay, night

Justin: night

My mom left my room and I closed my eyes again. I couldn't get back to sleep now. I got up slowly making sure not to wake Raegan up. I walked into the bathroom to take a piss, but the blade was still sitting there.

I hurried out of the bathroom trying to forget it. I couldn't though, how could I forget?

I walked out of my room and my moms door just closed. I ran downstairs and went to the kitchen. I started pouring some cereal into a bowl since I was hungry. Then I felt Raegan's gentle hands wrap around my waist. He started kissing on my neck and I giggled.

Justin: stoppp

Raegan: what ya doing?

Justin: trying to eat

Raegan: eat me

Justin: no thanks I'm good.

Raegan: damn it.

Justin: no I ain't gonna damn the famous lord of all Pennywise.

Raegan: (laughs) what the heck-

I put my finger over Raegan's mouth.

Justin: shh, you are gonna wake everyone up.

Raegan: sowwy, can I have some cereal?

Justin: no starve to death

Raegan: aw

Justin: of course you can have some

Raegan: sum fuk?

Justin: Raegan you are so freaking nasty.

Raegan: only for you

Raegan picked me up and sat me on the counter. I grabbed my cereal and kept slowly eating it just staring at Raegan. I noticed I ate all my cereal in the matter of like 2 minutes.

Raegan: you are so cute

Justin: oh stop

Raegan: (giggled) you really are adorable

Justin: and so are you

Then something caught my eye. Riley. She was staring at us from the stair ledge.

Justin: riley why are you up?

Raegan looked back at riley being confused.

Riley: why are you two up?

Justin: riley go back to sleep.

Riley: I'd rather watch you two flirt all night ending in a makeout.

Justin: ugh.. 

Riley: your moans sound like that, but way more louder


Riley: (giggles) They do!

Justin: how do you know?

Riley: I hear through the air vents!!

Justin: go back in your room.

Riley: okay fine, I guess I'll just show mom the picture.

Justin: no riley. Not the picture


Justin: I thought you deleted that!

Riley: nope

Justin: fine then, just, give us a sec

Riley: okay

I whispered to Raegan.

Justin: I recommend you head home, I'll see you tomorrow

Raegan nodded and got me down off the counter. He hugged me and gently kissed my head. Raegan walked out the door with a smile.

Riley: ooh there's another picture

Justin: god riley what do you want!

Riley: I want you, and Raegan, to date.

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now