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We were both laying in Justin's bed half naked just cuddling. I was getting really tired there but I didn't wanna go to sleep.

I heard a voice from downstairs that definitely wasn't the kids. It sounded like, Justin's mom. Justin whispered to me.

Justin: my moms home

Raegan: I hear that

Justin sat up pulling me up with him. He grabbed my clothes and threw them at me and then he got dressed. I got dressed too and then we walked downstairs.

Justin POV

My mom was talking to the kids and she saw me and her face lit up. She ran to me and hugged me, then hugged Raegan. It was really weird. Raegan and I kept a long stare and then my mom started talking.

Mom: how are you two?

Justin: good...

Mom: are you guys hungry?

Justin: no we already ate

Mom: okay, I need to go run a few errands, do you two mind watching the kids?

Justin: sure we will watch them.

Mom: thank you sweetie, love you

Justin: love you too

My mom left and the kids stayed quiet. They all stared at us.

Justin: what happened?

Olivia looked at Alex and Riley and they both shook their heads. Riley shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes.

Olivia: guys I have to tell them!

Alex & Riley: Don't!

Raegan: tell us olivia

Olivia: they were about to do it but Justin's mom walked in

Raegan and I look at each other holding back our laughs.

Justin: well okay

Raegan: were you gonna use protection?

I play hit Raegan and giggled. Alex and Riley shrugged their shoulders. Raegan and I sat on the couch as the kids played around. The kids were really distracted and I couldn't keep my eyes off of Raegan. He noticed me and giggled.

Raegan: need somethin?

Justin: god damn..

Raegan: (smirks) so u do need somethin, I think I know what that is..

I climbed on top of Raegan straddling his lap. I felt his boner pop up and I was happy. I looked around one last time and saw the kids all looking at us laughing at us quietly.

Justin: I'll give you all 20 bucks if you leave us alone and don't tell anybody

All: deal.

The kids ran upstairs and the door slam shut. Then I pressed my lips against Raegan's. It was a passionate kiss.

I pulled away when there was a knock at the door. I groaned and got up. I walked over to the door and opened it up, only to see Bri.

Justin: hey.. 

Bri: hi! Can I come in?

Justin: I mean sure

Bri walked in and i shut the door behind her.

Justin: I thought you were at your dads this weekend..

Bri: I was, until I ubered here

Justin: oh, so why are you here?

Bri: I- I need to talk to Raegan..

I looked at Raegan and he walked towards Bri, then they both walked outside.

Raegan POV

Raegan: whatcha need?

Bri: okay, I know you and Justin are dating and everything but listen here boy.

I stared at Bri confused, I had never seen this side of her.

Bri: Justin is mine.

Raegan: but Justin is-

Bri covered my mouth and I was still so confused.

Bri: he may be, but he is mine, if you lay another finger on him, your dead

Raegan: I won't actually be dead

Then Bri pulled a gun out of her pocket and held it to my head.

Bri: what was that?

Raegan: nothing

Bri: that's what I thought

Bri put the gun up and then punched me in my gut. I fell to the ground and Bri walked away, flipping me off.

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now