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Raegan: Justin call me😏

Justin: ooh okay daddy

Justin called me and I answered him.

Justin: hey

Raegan: hi baby boy, so was riley actually texting for you?

Justin: yeah (giggles)

Raegan: but really only you would do that

Justin: so you came out to your mom?

Raegan: yeah yeah, she knows we are dating

Justin: well shouldn't we tell everyone now?

Raegan: soon..

Justin: okay fine

Raegan: are you hungry?

Justin: yeah, will you bring me food please?

I waited a second to tease him.

Justin: please daddy I'll do anything

Raegan: anything?

Justin: anything!

Raegan: okay, what do you want to eat?

Justin: bring me Taco Bell!

Raegan: u and your Taco Bell..

Justin: (giggles) I love you

Raegan: I love you too baby boy..

Raegan: I'll be at your house soon with food, do you mind if the kids come with?

Justin: it's fine, they can meet riley.

Raegan: oh yeah!

Justin: so I'll see you in a few?

Raegan: yeah bye bye

Justin: see ya

I hung up and rolled out of bed. I threw on some decent clothes and walked downstairs. Alex and Olivia were downstairs watching tv while mom was in the kitchen.

Raegan: hey mom!

Mom: whatcha need sweetie?

Raegan: Justin is hungry so imma go get him food, is it okay if I hang out with him for a while?

Mom: yeah sure, take the kids with you.

Raegan: ok thanks!

Mom: anytime sweetie

The kids followed after me and we got in my car.

Alex: so how are you gonna tell dad that your bi?

Raegan: I'm not, I'm gonna let him find out.

Olivia: dad will get mad!

Raegan: do you think I give a shit?

Both: no..

Raegan: good job, that's 10 dollars for each of you.

Both: WHAT!?!

Raegan: (laughs) do I need to change it to 5?

Olivia: oh no

Alex: please no.

Raegan: so Justin has a little sister named Riley, so while Justin and I are hanging out, you guys can play with Riley.

Alex: (does air quotation marks) hanging out

Olivia: (laughs) yeah, hang out..

Raegan: ohh shut up, we can do it in the same room if you guys wanna watch.

Both: No we are good..

We pulled up to Justin's house with his food and walked in. Riley was downstairs running around chasing Justin. Justin saw me and ran to me, jumping into my arms. Riley hugged Alex and Olivia, but riley kept a long hug for Alex. I let Justin down and whispered to him what riley did.

Justin: hey riley..

Riley: yeah?

Justin: find yourself a boyfriend?

Riley: shut up (laughs)!

Alex kinda seemed into her to, but Olivia was the odd one out.

Raegan: don't worry Olivia we will find you someone

Justin and I walked upstairs and sat on his bed. I pulled out my phone and saw Hunter texted me.

Hunter: you and Justin got so drunk last night😂it was hilarious

Raegan: ha I know

Hunter: look at this

Hunter: *picture of Justin and i making out last night while playing spin the bottle*

Raegan: oh um😂😂

Hunter: freaks!

I showed Justin the texts messages and he laughed.

After he got a chance to read the whole texts he grabbed my phone from my hand.

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora