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I got up slowly and walked back inside. I laid on the couch and justin sat next to me.

Justin: what did she say?

Raegan: nothing, just go check on the kids

Justin got up and walked upstairs. A few minutes later he came back down and the kids followed after him. I stood up and grabbed Olivia and Alex's hand.

Raegan: Justin, I-I'll talk to you later

Justin: okay bye

I walked out of the house and drove home.

I got home and walked up to my room. I laid on my bed and started crying my eyes out.

Later On..

My phone started ringing and Justin was calling me. I answered him quickly.

Justin: what's wrong rae?

Raegan: nothing, OKAY!

Justin: Raegan. Tell me.

Raegan: I don't have to!

Justin: what. Did. Bri. Say.

Raegan: words, she said words justin.


Then I hung up. I threw my phone against the wall and it fell to the ground. Olivia walked into my room and sat on my bed looking at me.

Olivia: what's wrong?

Raegan: it's nothing

Olivia: did you and Justin break up?

Raegan: no..

Olivia: then tell me what happened

Raegan: I just think, just and I may need some time apart

Olivia: why is that?

Raegan: reasons..

Olivia: did you guys get in a fight?

Raegan: kinda

Olivia: then just tell him! He would probably understand!

Raegan: probably..

Olivia: or you can just be friends!

Raegan: it's Bri

Olivia: what?

Raegan: it's Bri..

Olivia: what did she do..

Raegan: she thinks of Justin as more then a friend, more then a best friend

Olivia: and she's mad at you?

Raegan: yeah, she said she would kill me if I laid a finger on justin

Olivia: she really wouldn't kill you

Raegan: that's what I thought too, UNTIL SHE PUT A FUCKING GUN TO MY HEAD!

Olivia: WHAT!

Raegan: and she also flipped me off

Olivia: bitch

Raegan: hey watch your mouth

Olivia: you do it to

Raegan: well I'm 17, you are 13

Olivia: true

Raegan: just go

Olivia: oh, since ur charger isn't working I'll put ur phone on mine

Raegan: okay thanks

Olivia grabbed my phone and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Justin POV

I was eating dinner when Raegan texted me.

Raegan: hey Justin, it's Olivia.

Justin: oh uh, what's up?

Raegan: I have something that you might wanna hear

Justin: well, do you know what's wrong with Raegan?

Raegan: yeah, just listen

Raegan: *voice recording of Olivia and Raegan talking*

I put my earbuds in and listened to the tape. When it ended, my eyes were very watery.

Justin: oh god.

Raegan: I know

Justin: thanks

Raegan: anytime, I suggest you to talk to Bri

Justin: yeah yeah I am

Raegan: see you later I guess

I called Bri and she picked up immediately.

Bri: hey!

Justin: I hate you.

Bri: what?

Justin: I heard what you did to Raegan.

Bri: Justin I didnt do anything!

Justin: YES YOU DID!

Bri: whatever Raegan said, he was lying

Justin: Raegan never lies to me!

Bri: yeah he does

Justin: okay name a time he lied then

Bri: well he didn't technically lie to you but he cheated on you, with me.

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now